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A Deep Bond between a French Scientist and Chinese White Dolphins

Tracking Chinese white dolphins in the sea under the scorching sun is a common scene of the work for French scientist Agathe Serres. Now an expert in the study of Chinese white dolphins, Agathe came to China in 2016 to study for a doctorate before she secured a job as an assistant researcher at the Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering (IDSSE) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

Dedication to A Research Journey towards Commercial Aqueous Batteries

Whenever XIE Congxin talks about his research work, his eyes light up with passion. Research is the most meaningful aspects of his life for XIE. "I have been dedicated to the solution to a problem for the past three years, which is how to improve the energy density of aqueous batteries," XIE said. Aqueous batteries are mainly used for large-scale stationary energy storage. They use water as the solvent for the electrolyte, which greatly improves battery safety compared with traditional non-aqueous lithium-ion batteries. However, challenges are, their low energy density and low battery voltage due to the limited solubility of electrolytes.

Researcher Safeguards Undersea Garden against Coral Bleaching

Luo Jie, an associate researcher from the Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, is a keen diving enthusiast, which allows him to breed corals not only limited to his laboratory but also in real waters. Luo still recalls the vast, colorful "undersea forests" he encountered nine years ago as a novice diver. However, the beautiful scenes have been long replaced by more and more pale coral "graveyards."

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