Full text: President Xi's keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the 10th ministerial conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum

President Xi Jinping delivers a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the 10th ministerial meeting of China-Arab States Cooperation Forum on May 30, 2024. [Photo by Feng Yongbin/China Daily]

BEIJING -- President Xi Jinping on Thursday delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the 10th ministerial conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum.

The following is the full text of his speech:

Further Deepening Cooperation and Moving Forward to Step up the Building of a China-Arab Community with a Shared Future

Keynote Speech by H.E. Xi Jinping

President of the People's Republic of China

At the Opening Ceremony of the 10th Ministerial Conference

Of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum

Beijing, May 30, 2024

Your Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa,

Your Excellency President Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi,

Your Excellency President Kais Saied,

Your Highness President Mohamed Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan,

Your Excellency Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit of the League of Arab States,

Heads of Delegations,

Distinguished Guests,


It gives me great pleasure to attend the opening ceremony of the Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum. I always find it heart-warming to meet Arab friends. The friendship between the Chinese and Arab peoples is deeply rooted in our friendly exchanges along the ancient Silk Road, in our joint struggles for national liberation, and in our win-win cooperation in promoting national development.

China-Arab relations have kept scaling new heights since the beginning of the new century. At the first China-Arab States Summit in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in December 2022, my Arab colleagues and I agreed unanimously to build a China-Arab community with a shared future in the new era. China is satisfied with the progress we have made in delivering on the Summit's outcomes. It will work with the Arab side to enhance the role of the Summit in providing strategic guidance for continued leapfrog growth of China-Arab relations. I am pleased to announce that we will host the second Summit in China in 2026, which will be another milestone in China-Arab relations.

Distinguished Guests,


As changes unseen in a century unfold rapidly across the world, both China and Arab states strive to accomplish their historical missions of national rejuvenation and faster national development. Building a China-Arab community with a shared future is a strong statement of our common desire for a new era of China-Arab relations and a better future for the world.

China will work with the Arab side as good partners to make our relations a model for maintaining world peace and stability. In this turbulent world, peaceful relations come from mutual respect, and lasting security is built on fairness and justice. We will, together with the Arab side, respect the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, the independent choice of every nation and the reality formed in history, and strive together for solutions to hotspot issues that uphold fairness and justice and sustain peace and security.

China will work with the Arab side in the spirit of equality and mutual benefit to make our relations a fine example of high-quality Belt and Road cooperation. The Silk Road spirit is passed on from generation to generation. It keeps China-Arab relations abreast with the times to the benefit of the two peoples. In this interdependent world, we will further synergize development strategies with the Arab side. We will strengthen cooperation in key areas such as oil, gas, trade and infrastructure, step up fostering new growth areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), investment, financing and new energy, and embark together on an innovative and green path to prosperity.

China will work with the Arab side in the spirit of inclusiveness and mutual learning to make our relations a paradigm of harmonious coexistence between civilizations. In a world of growing diversity, more dialogue means less confrontation, and more inclusiveness means less estrangement. Peace, truth, integrity and inclusiveness are the common pursuit of Chinese and Arab peoples. We are ready to work with the Arab side to promote people-to-people exchanges, champion the common values of humanity, and create a stellar example of mutual learning among civilizations in the new era.

China will work closely with the Arab side to make our relations a model for promoting good global governance. The entire humanity shares one common future, which has become an inevitable trend. But deficits in governance, trust, peace and development are getting wider. This calls on us to improve global governance under the principle of "planning together, building together, and benefiting together." We are ready to work with the Arab side to jointly champion an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, and set a model of South-South cooperation on global governance.

Distinguished Guests,


At the first China-Arab States Summit, I put forward "eight major cooperation initiatives" for our practical cooperation. Since then, the Belt and Road cooperation documents we signed have expanded to cover a full range of areas thanks to our joint efforts over the past one year and more. New progress has been made in scientific R&D and technology transfer. Trade and energy cooperation have scaled new heights. Small and beautiful livelihood projects are advancing in parallel with signature flagship projects. Cooperation in areas such as food security, green innovation and health is deepening and getting more substantial. Platforms for people-to-people exchanges and cooperation are functioning well. Early harvests have been achieved in all the "eight major cooperation initiatives." Moving forward, China is ready to work with the Arab side on that basis to put in place the following "five cooperation frameworks" to step up the building of a China-Arab community with a shared future.

The first is a more dynamic framework for innovation. China will build with the Arab side ten joint laboratories in such areas as life and health, AI, green and low-carbon development, modern agriculture, and space and information technology. We will enhance cooperation on AI to make it empower the real economy and to promote a broad-based global governance system on AI. We also stand ready to build with the Arab side a joint space debris observation center and a Beidou application, cooperation and development center, and step up cooperation in manned space mission and passenger aircraft.

The second is an expanded framework for investment and finance cooperation. We are ready to establish with the Arab side an industry and investment cooperation forum, continue to expand the China-Arab states interbank association, and implement at a faster pace the cooperation projects that are financed by the special loans in support of industrialization in the Middle East as well as by the credit line for China-Arab financial cooperation. China supports closer cooperation between financial institutions from the two sides, welcomes Arab states to issue panda bonds in China, and welcomes Arab banks to join the Cross-border Interbank Payment System. China is also ready to deepen exchanges and cooperation on central bank digital currency with the Arab side.

The third is a more multifaceted framework for energy cooperation. China will further enhance strategic cooperation with the Arab side on oil and gas, and integrate supply security with market security. China is ready to work with the Arab side on new energy technology R&D and equipment production. We will support Chinese energy companies and financial institutions in participating in renewable energy projects in Arab states with total installed capacity of over 3 million kilowatts.

The fourth is a more balanced framework for mutually beneficial economic and trade ties. China will continue to implement vigorously the development cooperation projects with a total worth of RMB3 billion yuan. It stands ready to accelerate the negotiations on bilateral and regional free trade agreements and advance the dialogue mechanism for e-commerce cooperation. It welcomes active participation of the Arab side in the China International Import Expo, and is willing to expand import of non-energy products from the Arab side, especially agricultural products.

The fifth is a broader framework for people-to-people exchanges. China is ready to establish with the Arab side the China-Arab Center of Global Civilization Initiative, expand the size and influence of the China-Arab Research Center on Reform and Development, accelerate the establishment of such platforms as the think tank alliance, the youth development forum, the university alliance, and the research center on cultural and tourism cooperation. China will invite 200 leaders of Arab political parties to visit China every year. We plan to work with the Arab side to achieve the goal of 10 million two-way visits of tourists in the next five years.

Distinguished Guests,


The Middle East is a land bestowed with broad prospects for development, but the war is still raging on it. Since last October, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has escalated drastically, throwing the people into tremendous sufferings. War should not continue indefinitely. Justice should not be absent forever. Commitment to the two-State solution should not be wavered at will. China firmly supports the establishment of an independent State of Palestine that enjoys full sovereignty based on the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital. It supports Palestine's full membership in the UN, and supports a more broad-based, authoritative and effective international peace conference. On top of the previous RMB100 million yuan of emergency humanitarian assistance, China will provide an additional RMB500 million yuan of assistance to help ease the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and support post-conflict reconstruction. We will donate US$3 million to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East in support of its emergency humanitarian assistance to Gaza.

As an Arab saying goes, friends are the sunshine in life. We will continue to work with our Arab friends to carry forward the spirit of China-Arab friendship, build together a better future, and make the road sunny toward a China-Arab community with a shared future!

Thank you!

Full text of Xi's signed article in Hungarian media

BUDAPEST -- A signed article by President Xi Jinping titled "Embarking on a Golden Voyage in China-Hungary Relations" was published Wednesday in the Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet.

The following is an English version of the full text of the article:

Embarking on a Golden Voyage in China-Hungary Relations

Xi Jinping

President of the People's Republic of China

In May when the fragrance of flowers and grass on the Great Hungarian Plain fills the air, I will pay a state visit to Hungary at the invitation of President Tamas Sulyok and Prime Minister Viktor Orban. This will be my second time to come to this land of beauty and abundance in a span of 15 years.

Over the past 15 years, I have met with visiting Hungarian leaders on many occasions. We have forged a deep friendship. I very much look forward to returning to your country to renew our friendship and work with my friends on a new blueprint for China-Hungary relations and cooperation in the new era.

Hungary is home to magnificent natural landscapes and talented people and is known for its profound historical and cultural heritage. The epic works of the patriotic poet Sandor Petofi and the powerful melodies of the great virtuoso pianist Franz Liszt impressed the world. The Hungarian people, being industrious, intelligent, open, inclusive, pioneering and creative, have contributed to human civilization with inventions of the modern ballpoint pen, holography, and the Rubik's Cube, to name just a few.

Although our two countries are geographically far apart, our two peoples have been friends for centuries. China and Hungary stood together in solidarity and looked out for each other in trying times of the global financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, leaving behind many touching stories of friendship. Our long-standing friendship is as mellow and rich as Tokaji wine.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of China-Hungary diplomatic relations. The bilateral relationship has since been developing and growing steadily and soundly with tangible results achieved in all fields. We respect and treat each other as equals, and pursue mutually beneficial cooperation. We see each other as a priority partner of cooperation. We have gone through hardships together and defied power politics together amid volatile international situations. We have found our respective path for sovereign states to independently conduct friendly exchanges with other countries.

Over the past 75 years, China and Hungary have remained good friends and treated each other with sincerity. We have kept our original aspiration for friendship in mind since the establishment of diplomatic ties. We have respected and supported the development path of our own choice respectively. We have shown understanding and provided support to each other on issues that bear on our respective core interests and are of major concern to us. We have taken delight in each other's progress in national development and revitalization. We have developed a high degree of political mutual trust. Our bilateral relationship is at its best in history, and has embarked on a golden voyage.

Over the past 75 years, China and Hungary have remained good partners for win-win cooperation. Focusing on high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, our two countries are strengthening synergy in development strategies and deepening results-oriented cooperation in such areas as investment, infrastructure, finance, new energy, and telecommunication technology. Our cooperation is injecting new impetus into global economic recovery. Today Hungary is China's top investment destination as well as its important trading partner in Central and Eastern Europe. Our bilateral cooperation is strong, fruitful, and dynamic.

Over the past 75 years, China and Hungary have remained good friends and learned from each other. The Hungarian Cultural Center in Beijing has been operating for years with success. The China Cultural Center in Budapest will soon be officially inaugurated. Hungarian language courses are on the curriculum of many Chinese universities. The Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms are gaining popularity and participation in Hungary. The Hungarian-Chinese bilingual school in Budapest has fostered a great number of Hungarians who are carrying forward our friendship. Exchanges and mutual visits at the subnational level are growing. Direct passenger flights reach double-digit per week. Measures to facilitate two-way travels are in place and delivering substantial results. The more exchanges between our peoples, the stronger the foundations of our friendship will be.

Currently, China and Hungary both stand at an important stage of development. China is pursuing high-quality development and promoting high-standard opening up, and is working to build itself into a great modern socialist country in all respects and advancing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through the Chinese path to modernization.

Hungary on its part is making every effort for greater development. During my upcoming visit, I hope to work together with Hungarian leaders to renew China-Hungary traditional friendship, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, and take the China-Hungary comprehensive strategic partnership to new heights.

-Our two countries need to carry forward our tradition of friendship and strengthen the political foundations of bilateral relationship. Stronger political mutual trust is the cornerstone of rapid and steady development of China-Hungary relations. China is willing to build on the 75 years of our diplomatic relations and work with Hungary to make top-level designs for the relationship from a strategic and long-term perspective, sustain the strong momentum of high-level interactions, and support regular exchanges and policy communication between our governments, legislatures and political parties. We should continue to firmly support each other on issues that involve our respective core interests. This will provide a strong political guarantee for the high-standard development of China-Hungary relations.

-Our two countries need to forge greater synergy in development strategies and strive for new highlights in practical cooperation. We will work with Hungary to forge greater synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and Hungary's Eastern Opening strategy, and accelerate the construction of the Budapest-Belgrade railway link and other significant cooperation projects. China will stay committed to promoting high-standard opening up. We will strengthen cooperation with Hungary in clean energy, artificial intelligence, digital economy, green development, and other emerging areas, foster new quality productive forces, and serve our respective high-quality development.

-Our two countries need to expand cultural and people-to-people exchanges and cement public support for bilateral relations. People-to-people connectivity is an endless source of strength for China-Hungary relations. China is willing to expand with Hungary exchanges and cooperation in education, culture, tourism, sport, youth, the media and at the subnational level, support the teaching of each other's languages, make full use of cultural centers, and encourage more communication and interaction between peoples and between institutions. We will continue to work with Hungary to upgrade mutual visa facilitation, expand direct flights, and facilitate people-to-people exchanges.

-Our two countries need to lead regional cooperation and keep to the right direction of China-Europe relations. The cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European countries conforms with the trends of the times and development, and serves the common interests of all relevant countries. It is also an important complement to the overall China-Europe relationship. Recently, there are signs of stability for the better in China-Europe relations. As comprehensive strategic partners, China and Europe have a broad range of shared interests. Their relationship is more cooperative than competitive and features more consensus than differences. The two sides have the responsibility to provide together more stability for the world and more impetus for global development. We are ready to work with Hungary to deepen and substantiate China's cooperation with Central and Eastern European countries and to ensure steady and sustained growth of China-Europe relations.

-Our two countries need to enhance communication on international affairs and join hands to address global challenges. At present, transformation not seen in a century is accelerating across the world and global challenges keep emerging. The international community must make a response together. China and Hungary have similar views and positions on international and regional situations. It is important that we stay committed to solidarity and collaboration, champion humanity's common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom, and practice true multilateralism. We should advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, endeavor continuously to build a community with a shared future for mankind, and inject more positive energy into safeguarding world peace and promoting common development.

As an old Chinese saying goes, "No mountain and ocean can distance people with shared aspirations." Our Hungarian friends often say, "A good friend is more precious than gold." On the new journey of the new era, China looks forward to working closely with our Hungarian friends to write new stories of friendship, open a new chapter of cooperation, and strive for a better future for the two peoples.

Full text of Xi's signed article in Serbian media

BELGRADE -- A signed article by Chinese President Xi Jinping titled "May the Light of Our Ironclad Friendship Shine on the Path of China-Serbia Cooperation" was published Tuesday in Serbian media Politika.

The following is an English version of the full text of the article:

May the Light of Our Ironclad Friendship Shine on the Path of China-Serbia Cooperation

Xi Jinping, president of the People's Republic of China

When summer comes, all beings flourish. This is what makes summer the season of hope. I will pay a state visit to the Republic of Serbia at the invitation of President Aleksandar Vučić. This will be my second visit to your country, a land of beauty and legends, as President of the People's Republic of China. The sweet scenes that prevailed during my last visit eight years ago remain very much alive in my mind. The close cooperation between our two countries over the past eight years has delivered fruitful outcomes. I look forward to meeting with President Aleksandar Vučić and other Serbian leaders and friends to renew our friendship, explore ways of cooperation, and make the ironclad friendship between China and Serbia more dynamic.

There has always been an affinity between Chinese and Serbian peoples despite the long distance between us. During the bitter Anti-Fascist War and our respective nation-building in the last century, the Chinese and Serbian peoples forged a strong friendship that extends through time and space. Amid the ongoing transformations unseen in a century in the world, our mutual support remains as strong as ever, our cooperation is closer, and our exchanges and mutual learning more substantive. Whatever changes in the international landscape, China and Serbia remain true friends and good partners. Our ironclad friendship is ever-growing, setting a model for state-to-state and people-to-people interactions.

Our two countries have always respected and trusted each other. President Vučić and I have developed a good working relationship through our meetings, phone calls, and exchanges of letters. Our two countries have also maintained frequent exchanges at all levels and in all areas. We fully appreciate and respect the development paths that our respective nation has chosen. We uphold fairness and justice, firmly support each other on issues that bear on our respective core interests and are of major concern to us. We have kept close and smooth coordination and collaboration at the bilateral and multilateral levels. We have built an ever stronger comprehensive strategic partnership that is delivering tangible outcomes.

Our two countries have stayed committed to mutual benefit. Serbia is China's first free trade partner in Central and Eastern Europe. Last year, China was Serbia's largest source of foreign investment and its second largest trading partner. Our thriving cooperation in trade and economic relations, industrial chain, and infrastructure development lends a great boost to our respective process of modernization. In 2016, I visited the Smederevo steel plant of HBIS Serbia, which has become one of the three biggest export companies in Serbia. Serbian honey, red wine, beef, lamb and other agricultural products are very popular among Chinese consumers.

Our two countries have always helped each other. Following the COVID-19 outbreak, I spoke with President Vučić twice on the phone and we agreed on a collaborative response to the pandemic. China provided assistance, prioritized the provision of multiple shipments of protective medical supplies, and sent medical experts to Serbia. On its part, Serbia provided full support to China in implementing its "Spring Sprout" program to vaccinate Chinese citizens living and working in Serbia. Nongovernmental organizations in Serbia voluntarily donated masks and other supplies to the Chinese people. Our mutual support in challenging times testifies to our invaluable brotherly friendship.

Our two countries have always been learning from each other. We are both committed to delivering a better life for our peoples and making our countries strong and prosperous. We have implemented many programs to share experience in governance, and have enhanced exchanges between our political parties. Our peoples have warm feelings toward each other, as evidenced by the robust cultural, sports, tourism and people-to-people exchanges. Nikola Jokić, the Serbian basketball superstar, personally cheered on players of Chinese rural basketball games. China and Serbia have agreed on a mutual visa-free arrangement for ordinary passport holders, which facilitates people-to-people exchanges and bilateral cooperation.

A Chinese axiom goes, "Friends are those who are like-minded." And Serbians would say, "Friends are the greatest asset in life." The long-lasting friendship and win-win cooperation between China and Serbia makes it clear to us that a stronger bilateral relationship conforms with the trend of history and serves the best interests of our two peoples. It also helps promote our common progress. On the new journey of the new era, the China-Serbia comprehensive strategic partnership has more potential for further growth. During my upcoming visit, I will work with my Serbian friends to bring out the best in our ironclad friendship and take real efforts to deliver more benefits to our two peoples, advance world peace and development, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

We should always be good friends and treat each other with sincerity. We will deepen and expand our comprehensive strategic partnership. We will continue to show each other understanding, trust, support and assistance. We will remain steadfast in supporting each other on issues that bear on our respective core interests and are of major concern to us. China respects and supports the development path that the Serbian people have chosen of their own will. We support Serbia's efforts to uphold its sovereignty and territorial integrity, and oppose any attempt by any forces to interfere in Serbia's internal affairs.

We should always be good partners for win-win cooperation. China is striving for its modernization in all respects through high-quality development, and moving faster to develop new quality productive forces. Serbia has achieved remarkable economic and social development in recent years. Our two countries should further unleash the potential of our mutually beneficial cooperation. We should deliver on the midterm action plan for Belt and Road cooperation, and build more flagship projects. We should expand cooperation in technological innovation, advanced manufacturing, green energy, digital economy, artificial intelligence and other emerging areas. We should share development opportunities and create a better future together.

We should always play an exemplary role in promoting fairness and justice. As ironclad friends and defenders for world peace, China and Serbia hold similar positions on many major international and regional issues. Facing a fluid and turbulent world, we should step up coordination and cooperation in the United Nations and other international organizations, and advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. We should practice true multilateralism, and endeavor to maintain world peace and stability and safeguard international fairness and justice.

We should always strengthen the heart-to-heart connection between our two peoples. Our ironclad friendship has withstood the test of blood and fire, and shines even brighter in the new era. We should promote multi-dimensional people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and diversify subnational cooperation. We should make good use of the combined effect of "mutual visa exemption plus direct flights" as well as our respective cultural centers to promote cooperation in education, sports, culture and tourism. We should create more opportunities for our youth so that the China-Serbia friendship will be carried forward from generation to generation.

Twenty-five years ago today, NATO flagrantly bombed the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia, killing three Chinese journalists-Ms. Shao Yunhuan, Mr. Xu Xinghu and his wife Zhu Ying. This we should never forget. The Chinese people cherish peace, but we will never allow such tragic history to repeat itself. The China-Serbia friendship, forged with the blood of our compatriots, will stay in the shared memory of the Chinese and Serbian peoples, and will inspire us to march forward with big strides.

While looking back at the journey our two countries have traveled together, we also look forward to the promising future we aspire to embrace. We have now come to a new historic milestone. We on the Chinese side are ready to work hand in hand with our Serbian friends to make our shared aspiration and common progress a reality. Together we will write a new chapter in the development and rejuvenation of our nations. Together we will build a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era. Flowers in spring will turn into fruits in autumn. The tree of China-Serbia friendship will grow tall and sturdy and bear more fruits for our two peoples. This is what we expect and what we hope to witness together. 

Full text of Xi's signed article in French media

PARIS -- A signed article by Chinese President Xi Jinping titled "Carrying Forward the Spirit that Guided the Establishment of China-France Diplomatic Relations, Working Together for Global Peace and Development" was published Sunday in French media Le Figaro.

The following is an English version of the full text of the article:

Carrying Forward the Spirit that Guided the Establishment of China-France Diplomatic Relations, Working Together for Global Peace and Development

Xi Jinping, president of the People's Republic of China

I am delighted to pay my third state visit to France at the invitation of President Emmanuel Macron.

France holds a special fascination for us Chinese. This country has produced a galaxy of philosophers, writers, and artists with global appeal who have inspired all humanity. Over 150 years ago, French nationals helped China found its Fujian Navy Yard and the Fujian Naval Academy. France was also the first country to welcome government-sponsored students from China. A century ago, a number of young Chinese traveled to France for further education. Some of these young patriots went on to make remarkable contribution to the founding and development of New China. France was also the first major Western country to enter into formal diplomatic ties with New China.

The year 2024 is of special significance. I will visit France bringing with me three messages from China.

— China will work with France to carry forward the spirit that guided the establishment of their diplomatic ties, build on past achievements and open new vistas for China-France relations.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of China-France relations. Six decades ago, General Charles de Gaulle, with a strategic vision based on the trend of the time, resolved to establish diplomatic relations with New China. It wasn't easy to make this independent decision at the height of the Cold War, but it has proven to be right and foresighted. With the establishment of China-France relations, a bridge of communication between the East and West was built, and the international relations were able to evolve in the direction of dialogue and cooperation.

In these six decades, China-France relations have stayed abreast of the times. Our two countries took the lead in establishing a comprehensive strategic partnership and launching institutional strategic dialogue in China's relations with Western countries. We spearheaded cooperation in aviation and nuclear energy and on third-party markets. We were among the first to mutually open cultural centers and start cultural year activities, providing guidance for mutual learning between civilizations. China-France cooperation contributed to the conclusion of the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, boosting strongly the implementation of the global climate agenda.

History is our best teacher. We live in a world that is far from being tranquil and is once again facing a multitude of risks. China is ready to work with France in the spirit that guided the establishment of our diplomatic ties to forge a stronger comprehensive strategic partnership between our two countries and make new contributions to stronger cooperation of the global community.

— China will open even wider to the world and deepen cooperation with France and other countries.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the People's Republic of China. Through 75 years of perseverant hard work, the Chinese people have turned China from an impoverished country into the second largest economy in the world. Several hundred million people in rural areas were lifted out of poverty, a miracle in the history of humanity. The Chinese economy registered 5.2 percent growth in 2023, and is expected to grow by around 5 percent in 2024 with greater progress toward high-quality development. China will remain a source of global growth and create opportunities for all countries.

One thing that has made China's development possible is our firm commitment to opening up. We welcome more quality French farm products and cosmetics to the Chinese market to meet the ever-growing needs of the Chinese people for a better life. We welcome investment by companies from France and other countries to China. To this end, we have fully opened up China's manufacturing sector, and will move faster to expand market access to telecom, medical and other services. We also have a 15-day visa-exemption policy for visitors from many countries including France, and we have taken further measures to facilitate travel and payment by foreigners in China.

While opening up itself, China also encourages Chinese companies to go global. France is advancing re-industrialization based on green innovation, whereas China is accelerating the development of new quality productive forces. Our two countries can deepen cooperation on innovation and jointly promote green development. Some Chinese companies have set up battery plants in France. The Chinese government supports more Chinese companies in investing in France. And we hope that France will ensure that they operate in a fair and equitable business environment.

— China will strengthen communication and coordination with France to uphold world peace and stability.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Seven decades ago, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai put forth in full the five principles for the first time -- "mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence." Through 70 years, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have been widely accepted and recognized by countries across the world. They have become an important norm governing contemporary international relations.

China has faithfully practiced the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Over the past 70-plus years since its founding, New China never provoked a war or occupied an inch of foreign land. China is the only country around the world that includes in its Constitution the commitment to the path of peaceful development, and China is the only country among the major nuclear-weapon states that is committed to no-first-use of nuclear weapons.

I have proposed in recent years the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative. As part of China's efforts to help improve global governance and resolve tough question regarding human development, the three initiatives have won the support of more than 100 countries and international organizations.

China understands the repercussions of the Ukraine crisis on the people of Europe. China did not start the Ukraine crisis, nor is it a party to or a participant in it. Nonetheless, China has been playing a constructive role in striving for peaceful settlement of the crisis. I have made many appeals, among others, observing the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, respecting sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, and addressing the legitimate security concerns of all sides. I have stressed that nuclear weapons must not be used, and a nuclear war must not be fought. China has delivered to Ukraine many shipments of humanitarian aids, and sent its special representative many times to mediate among the countries concerned. The longer the Ukraine crisis drags on, the greater harm it will do to Europe and the world. China hopes that peace and stability will return to Europe at an early date. We stand ready to work with France and the whole international community to find a reasonable way out of the crisis.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict pulls on our heartstrings as well. The fundamental solution lies in the establishment of an independent State of Palestine. History has repeatedly shown that the recurrent Palestine-Israel problem is rooted essentially in the failure of actual enforcement of relevant UN resolutions, in the continued erosion of the foundation for the two-State solution, and the deviation of the Middle East peace process. China and France have many in common on the Palestine-Israel issue. It is thus critical that we strengthen cooperation and help restore peace in the Middle East.

Confucius observed that "a man of true moral integrity is one who is both friendly but independent, and who does not compromise his principles, and who is independent without any bias or taking sides. How unflinchingly firm he is in his strength!" French writer Romain Rolland said that "it is so much easier to allow oneself to be guided than it is to think for oneself. This abdication is the kernel of the mischief." Both China and France value independence as two major countries. Our interactions in the long course of history have released tremendous energy swaying the trajectory of the world. Now we are standing at another historical starting point. Let us join hands together on this new journey toward greater progress in China-France relations to the benefit of our two countries and the world!

Full text of President Xi Jinping's 2024 New Year message

President Xi Jinping delivers a New Year address, Dec 31, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]

BEIJING -- On New Year's Eve, President Xi Jinping delivered his 2024 New Year message via China Media Group and the Internet. The following is the full text of the message:

Greetings to you all! As energy rises after the Winter Solstice, we are about to bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new. From Beijing, I extend my best New Year wishes to each and every one of you!

In 2023, we have continued to forge ahead with resolve and tenacity. We have gone through the test of winds and rains, have seen beautiful scenes unfolding on the way, and have made plenty real achievements. We will remember this year as one of hard work and perseverance. Going forward, we have full confidence in the future.

This year, we have marched forward with solid steps. We achieved a smooth transition in our COVID-19 response efforts. The Chinese economy has sustained the momentum of recovery. Steady progress has been made in pursuing high-quality development. Our modernized industrial system has been further upgraded. A number of advanced, smart and green industries are rapidly emerging as new pillars of the economy. We have secured a bumper harvest for the 20th year in a row. Waters have become clearer and mountains greener. New advances have been made in pursuing rural revitalization. New progress has been made in fully revitalizing northeast China. The Xiong'an New Area is growing fast, the Yangtze River Economic Belt is full of vitality, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is embracing new development opportunities. Having weathered the storm, the Chinese economy is more resilient and dynamic than before.

This year, we have marched forward with robust steps. Thanks to years of dedicated efforts, China's innovation-driven development is full of energy. The C919 large passenger airliner entered commercial service. The Chinese-built large cruise ship completed its trial voyage. The Shenzhou spaceships are continuing their missions in space. The deep-sea manned submersible Fendouzhe reached the deepest ocean trench. Products designed and made in China, especially trendy brands, are highly popular with consumers. The latest models of Chinese-made mobile phones are an instant market success. New energy vehicles, lithium batteries, and photovoltaic products are a new testimony to China's manufacturing prowess. Everywhere across our country, new heights are being scaled with dogged determination, and new creations and innovations are emerging every day.

This year, we have marched forward in high spirits. The Chengdu FISU World University Games and the Hangzhou Asian Games presented spectacular sports scenes, and Chinese athletes excelled in their competitions. Tourist destinations are full of visitors on holidays, and the film market is booming. The "village super league" football games and "village spring festival gala" are immensely popular. More people are embracing low-carbon lifestyles. All these exhilarating activities have made our lives richer and more colorful, and they mark the return of bustling life across the country. They embody people's pursuit of a beautiful life, and present a vibrant and flourishing China to the world.

This year, we have marched forward with great confidence. China is a great country with a great civilization. Across this vast expanse of land, wisps of smoke in deserts of the north and drizzles in the south invoke our fond memory of many millennium-old stories. The mighty Yellow River and Yangtze River never fail to inspire us. Discoveries at the archeological sites of Liangzhu and Erlitou tell us much about the dawn of Chinese civilization. The ancient Chinese characters inscribed on oracle bones of the Yin Ruins, the cultural treasures of the Sanxingdui Site, and the collections of the National Archives of Publications and Culture bear witness to the evolution of Chinese culture. All this stands as testament to the time-honored history of China and its splendid civilization. And all this is the source from which our confidence and strength are derived.

While pursuing its development, China has also embraced the world and fulfilled its responsibility as a major country. We held the China-Central Asia Summit and the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, and hosted leaders from across the world at many diplomatic events held in China. I also paid visits to a number of countries, attended international conferences, and met many friends, both old and new. I shared China's vision and enhanced common understandings with them. No matter how the global landscape may evolve, peace and development remain the underlying trend, and only cooperation for mutual benefit can deliver.

Along the way, we are bound to encounter headwinds. Some enterprises had a tough time. Some people had difficulty finding jobs and meeting basic needs. Some places were hit by floods, typhoons, earthquakes or other natural disasters. All these remain at the forefront of my mind. When I see people rising to the occasion, reaching out to each other in adversity, meeting challenges head-on and overcoming difficulties, I am deeply moved. All of you, from farmers in the fields to workers on factory floors, from entrepreneurs blazing the trail to service members guarding our country -- indeed, people from all walks of life -- have done your very best. Each and every ordinary Chinese has made an extraordinary contribution! You, the people, are the ones we look to when we fight to prevail over all difficulties or challenges.

Next year will mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. We will steadfastly advance Chinese modernization, fully and faithfully apply the new development philosophy on all fronts, speed up building the new development paradigm, promote high-quality development, and both pursue development and safeguard security. We will continue to act on the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability through progress, and establishing the new before abolishing the old. We will consolidate and strengthen the momentum of economic recovery, and work to achieve steady and long-term economic development. We will deepen reform and opening up across the board, further enhance people's confidence in development, promote vibrant development of the economy, and redouble efforts to boost education, advance science and technology and cultivate talents. We will continue to support Hong Kong and Macao in harnessing their distinctive strengths, better integrating themselves into China's overall development, and securing long-term prosperity and stability. China will surely be reunified, and all Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait should be bound by a common sense of purpose and share in the glory of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Our goal is both inspiring and simple. Ultimately, it is about delivering a better life for the people. Our children should be well taken care of and receive good education. Our young people should have the opportunities to pursue their careers and succeed. And our elderly people should have adequate access to medical services and elderly care. These issues matter to every family, and they are also a top priority of the government. We must work together to deliver on these issues. Today, in our fast-paced society, people are all busy and face a lot of pressure in work and life. We should foster a warm and harmonious atmosphere in our society, expand the inclusive and dynamic environment for innovation, and create convenient and good living conditions, so that the people can live happy lives, bring out their best, and realize their dreams.

As I speak to you, conflicts are still raging in some parts of the world. We Chinese are keenly aware of what peace means. We will work closely with the international community for the common good of humanity, build a community with a shared future for mankind, and make the world a better place for all.

Right at this moment, when the lights in millions of homes light up the evening sky, let us all wish our great country prosperity, and let us all wish the world peace and tranquility! I wish you happiness in all the four seasons and success and good health in the year ahead!

Thank you!

Xi delivers important speech at central economic work conference

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivers an important speech at the annual Central Economic Work Conference in Beijing, capital of China. The conference was held from Monday to Tuesday in Beijing. [Photo/Xinhua]

BEIJING -- The central economic work conference was held in Beijing from Dec 11 to 12. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended the conference and delivered an important speech. Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang and Li Xi, all members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, also attended the conference.

In his speech, Xi summarized the economic work in 2023, analyzed the current economic situation and made arrangements for 2024. Li Qiang delivered a summary speech, in which he laid out requirements for implementing the guiding principles of Xi's speech and better carrying out economic work in 2024.

This year marks the first year to faithfully implement the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress on all fronts and is a year for economic recovery following three years of COVID-19 prevention and control, according to the meeting. Under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Xi at its core, the entire Party and the people of different ethnic groups have withstood external pressures, overcome internal difficulties and deepened reform and opening up. They have strengthened macroeconomic regulation and control, expanded domestic demand, optimized structures, boosted confidence, and worked to prevent and defuse risks. As a result, China's economy has shown signs of recovery, progress has been achieved in high-quality development, and important advancement made in the building of a modern industrial system. Breakthroughs have also been made in scientific and technological innovation, while the reform and opening up have been deepened and a more solid foundation has been laid for development and security. Besides, people's well-being has been effectively promoted as the country has made solid strides in building itself into a modern socialist country.

It was pointed out at the conference that some difficulties and challenges must be tackled to achieve further economic recovery. Those include a lack of effective demand, overcapacity in some industries, weak social expectations and many hidden risks. There are bottlenecks in the domestic economic flow, and the external environment is increasingly complex, severe and uncertain. It is necessary to be vigilant against potential risks and effectively address these problems. Generally speaking, the favorable conditions for China's development outweigh the unfavorable ones, and the overall trend of economic recovery and long-term improvement remains unchanged. Confidence and determination must be boosted.

In recent years, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, we have effectively coordinated the domestic and international situations, achieved economic and social development against the backdrop of COVID-19 prevention and control, according to the meeting. We have also ensured both development and security and deepened understanding of how economic work should be done in the new era. It is imperative to uphold high-quality development as the unyielding principle of the new era, faithfully implement the new development philosophy on all fronts, and effectively improve the quality of our economy and promote its growth within a reasonable range. We must persist in deepening supply-side structural reform and focus on coordinated efforts to expand effective demand, leveraging the advantages of the vast market and robust production capacity, ensuring that the domestic economic flow is based on the proactive force of domestic demand, and improving the quality and level of international economic flow. It is crucial to strengthen the endogenous driving force for development through reform and opening up, ensure the advancement of both profound reforms and high-level opening up, continuously liberate and develop social productivity, and stimulate and enhance social vitality. We must maintain a healthy interaction between high-quality development and high-level security, with the former to promote the latter, and the latter to secure the former, and a dynamic balance must be maintained between both. Promoting Chinese modernization must be upheld as the foremost politics. Under the unified leadership of the CPC, we should unite the broadest masses of the people, and focus on economic development as the central task and high-quality development as the primary mission, gradually turning the magnificent blueprint of Chinese modernization into reality.

It was emphasized at the meeting that to do a good job in the economic work next year, it is necessary to follow the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, adhere to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, and faithfully implement the new development philosophy on all fronts. It is also essential to accelerate the forging of a new development paradigm, focus on promoting high-quality development, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, and build self-reliance and strength in high-level science and technology. It is imperative to intensify macro regulation, do a good job both in expanding domestic demand and deepening supply-side structural reform, ensure both new urbanization and rural revitalization across the board, and secure both high-quality development and high-level security. It is important to boost economic vitality, prevent and mitigate risks, improve social expectations, consolidate and promote the momentum of economic recovery, and effectively improve the quality of our economy and promote its growth within a reasonable range. It is important to improve people's well-being, maintain social stability, and make further progress in building China into a strong country and realizing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through a Chinese path to modernization.

It was emphasized at the meeting that next year, it is necessary to adhere to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability through progress, and establishing the new before abolishing the old. It will be essential to implement policies that are conducive to stabilizing expectations, growth, and employment. More efforts will be needed when it comes to taking proactive measures in transforming methods, adjusting structures, raising quality, and increasing efficiency, with a view to continuously strengthening the foundation for stability and improvement. It is imperative to strengthen counter-cyclical and cross-cyclical adjustments of macroeconomic policies, continue to implement proactive fiscal policies and prudent monetary policies, and enhance policy innovation and coordination.

Proactive fiscal policies should be appropriately strengthened and their effectiveness improved. We should make good use of fiscal policy to improve the efficiency of funds and the effectiveness of policies. We should optimize the structure of fiscal expenditures and strengthen financial support for major national strategic tasks. We should reasonably expand the scope of local government special bonds for capital purposes. We should do a good job in implementing structural tax cuts and fee reductions with a focus on supporting technological innovation and the development of the manufacturing industry. We should strictly supervise the transfer of payment funds and enforce financial discipline. We should strengthen fiscal sustainability and never cross the line in securing people's basic livelihoods, salaries for the public sector and government's operation at the grassroots level. General expenditures should be strictly controlled. Party and government departments should get used to working within a limited budget.

Prudent monetary policies should be flexible, moderate, precise, and effective. We should maintain a reasonable and sufficient liquidity level that matches the growth of social financing and the money supply with the expected targets for economic growth and price levels. We should make good use of monetary policy tools to improve their effectiveness, activate existing stocks, and guide financial institutions to increase support for technological innovation, green transformation, small and micro enterprises, and the digital economy. We should promote a stable and moderate decline in the overall cost of social financing. We should maintain the basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level.

We should enhance the consistency of macroeconomic policy orientation. We should strengthen coordination in fiscal, monetary, employment, industrial, regional, technological, and environmental policies, and include non-economic policies in the evaluation of the consistency of macroeconomic policy orientation. We should strengthen policy coordination to ensure consistent efforts and form synergies. It is imperative to boost publicity concerning the economic situation and guide public opinion in this regard to boost confidence in the bright prospects of China's economy.

It was stressed at the meeting that next year we shall focus on promoting high-quality development, give prominence to key areas, grasp key points, and carry out economic work in a down-to-earth manner.

First, technological innovation will be promoted to support the development of a modern industrial system. We will promote industrial innovation through technological innovation, especially by using ground-breaking and cutting-edge technologies to foster new industries, new models and growth drivers, and develop new productive forces. We will improve the new national system for mobilizing nationwide resources, implement high-quality development actions for key industrial chains in the manufacturing industry, strengthen quality support and standard leadership, and boost the resilience and safety of industrial and supply chains. It will be essential to vigorously promote new industrialization, develop the digital economy, and accelerate the development of artificial intelligence. We will develop a number of strategic emerging industries such as bio-manufacturing, commercial aerospace, and low-altitude economy, open up new paths for future industries such as quantum and life sciences, and make extensive use of digital intelligence and green technologies to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. We will strengthen basic research in applied sciences and cutting-edge research, boost the principal role of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, and encourage the development of venture capital and equity investment.

Second, we will focus on expanding domestic demand. It will be necessary to tap consumption potential and expand effective investment, so as to form a virtuous cycle between consumption and investment. We will shift consumption from post-epidemic recovery to sustained expansion, foster and expand new types of consumption, vigorously develop digital, green and health promotion consumption, and actively develop new consumption growth points such as smart homes, entertainment and tourism, sports events, as well as domestic products and China-chic goods. Efforts will be made to stabilize and expand traditional consumption, and boost spending on big-ticket items such as new energy vehicles and electronic products. We will increase the income of urban and rural residents, expand the size of the middle-income group, and improve consumption environment. To raise the standards of technology, energy and emissions, it will be necessary to promote large-scale upgrading of equipment and the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones. We will give full play to the multiplier effect of government investment, focus on supporting research in key and core technologies, new infrastructure, energy conservation, emission and carbon reduction, and cultivate new drivers of economic growth. We will improve investment and financing mechanisms, implement new mechanisms for cooperation between the government and private capital, and support private capital's participation in new infrastructure and other areas.

Third, we will deepen reform in key areas. It will be necessary to plan major measures to further reform in all areas and inject strong impetus into promoting high-quality development and advancing Chinese modernization. It will be important to improve and implement institutions and mechanisms to unswervingly consolidate and develop the public sector and unswervingly support the development of the non-public sector and fully stimulate the endogenous power and innovation vitality of various business entities. We will deepen and upgrade the reform of state-owned enterprises to strengthen their core functions and core competitiveness. We will implement a number of measures in market access, access to factors of production, fair law enforcement, and protection of rights and interests to promote the development and growth of private enterprises. We will encourage small and medium-sized enterprises to increase their capacity to turn out products that are new, unique, specialized and sophisticated. We will speed up the development of a unified national market, strive to break down local protection and market segmentation, and reduce logistics costs. It will be necessary to plan a new round of reform of the fiscal and tax systems, and implement financial system reform.

Fourth, high-level opening up will be expanded. It will be imperative to foster new drivers of foreign trade, reinforce the stable performance in foreign trade and foreign investment, and expand trade in intermediate goods, trade in services, digital trade and exports of cross-border e-commerce. Market access in service industries such as telecommunications and healthcare will be further relaxed, and problems related to issues such as cross-border flow of data and equitable participation in government procurement shall be solved conscientiously in alignment with high-standard international economic and trade rules, so as to continue our efforts to foster a world-class business environment that is market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized, and promote the brand of "Invest in China." Barriers shall be removed to make it easy for foreigners to do business, study and travel in China. Efforts will be made to ensure that the eight major steps China will take to support the development of high-quality Belt and Road Initiative are taken to the letter, and ensure that both major signature projects and "small yet smart" livelihood programs are promoted.

Fifth, risks in key areas will be prevented and defused in a continuous and effective manner. Coordinated efforts will be required to defuse risks in the real estate sector, local government debt and small and medium-sized financial institutions, and strict law enforcement is required to crack down on illegal financial activities, so as to ensure no systemic risks arise. Active and steady steps should be taken to address risks in the real estate sector, and reasonable financing needs for real estate enterprises under different ownership should be met equally to ensure stable and sound development of the real estate market. Efforts will also be accelerated to advance the construction of affordable housing and public infrastructure for both normal and emergency use and the renovation of shanty towns in cities. Relevant foundational systems will be upgraded to speed up the building of a new development mode for the real estate market. A balance will be struck between addressing local government debt risks and stable development, and major economically developed provinces should play a leading role in making greater contributions to the steady growth of the national economy.

Sixth, sustained efforts will be made to do a good job in the work related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers. With the goal of building up China's strength in agriculture, it will be imperative to learn from and apply the experience from the Green Rural Revival Program, and advance rural revitalization in all respects in an effective manner. Work must be done to ensure national food security and ensure that no large number of rural residents become poverty-stricken again. Efforts must be made to promote the development of rural industries, rural areas and rural governance. At the same time, the strengths of science and technology and reform should be leveraged, and measures intensified to increase rural residents' incomes, and strengths should be pooled to do things from which residents can get immediate benefits, so as to build a beautiful and harmonious countryside that is desirable to live and work in. No effort should be spared to secure the stable and safe supply of grain and other important agricultural products. Ways should be explored to build mechanisms on interest compensation between major grain production provinces and those that need supply of grain from other provinces. The system for offsetting cultivated land used for other purposes should be reformed and improved, and the standard for input in the cultivation of high-standard cropland should be raised. It will be imperative to adopt an all-encompassing approach to agriculture and food, and build China's agriculture into a modernized major sector.

Seventh, we will promote integrated development of rural and urban areas and coordinated regional development. By combining new urbanization and comprehensive rural revitalization, we will facilitate the two-way flows of various production factors and promote the new urbanization centered on county seats to generate a new mode of integrated urban and rural development. We will carry out urban renewal projects and improve urban infrastructure to build livable, resilient, and smart cities. We will give full scope to the comparative advantages of various regions and, by following the main functional positioning, actively serve the forging of a new development paradigm. We will improve the distribution of major productive forces and strengthen the construction of national strategic hinterland. We will develop the marine economy, and step up efforts to build China into a strong maritime country.

Eighth, we will further strengthen ecological conservation and pursue green and low-carbon development. We will set up model zones for building a Beautiful China and create hubs for green and low-carbon development. We will work actively and prudently toward the goals of reaching carbon emissions peaking and carbon neutrality, and accelerate the building of a green and low-carbon supply chain. We will make sustained efforts to keep our skies blue, waters clear, and lands clean. We will improve mechanisms to realize the market value of ecosystem goods. We will deepen the reform of collective forest tenure. We will speed up the planning and development of a system for new energy sources, conserve resources of all types and use them efficiently, and ensure greater security of energy and resources.

Ninth, we will make down-to-earth efforts to secure and improve people's livelihoods. We will do everything within our capacity and our means to make sure that people's livelihoods are secured. Employment will be given priority to ensure employment of key groups. We will build a solid social security net and improve the multi-tiered and categorized social assistance system. We will speed up the improvement of policies to boost birth rates and promote the silver economy for high-quality population development.

The importance was emphasized at the meeting to fully understand the CPC Central Committee's sound judgment of the economic situation, and effectively strengthen the sense of responsibility and mission in doing a good job in economic work. It will be essential to make use of all opportunities and conditions to do as much as possible once the right decision is made, and try to deal with the uncertainties of the current situation with the certainty of our own endeavor. It will be imperative to comprehensively implement the requirements for next year's economic work, strike a balance between speed and quality, between macro data and micro feelings, between promoting economic development and improving people's livelihoods, and between seeking development and ensuring security. This shall be how we will continuously consolidate and promote the positive momentum of economic recovery. It is essential to accurately grasp the policy orientation of next year's economic work. Our policy implementation should be guided by strengthening synergy and coordination and magnifying the combined effects, our policy foresight should focus on building up reserves in advance and leaving room for redundancy, and our policy evaluation should stress effectiveness and the people's sense of fulfillment. Thus, we will strive to boost the effectiveness of macro policies in supporting high-quality development.

It will be important to emphasize the methods and approaches for advancing work, grasp the major issues, break through bottlenecks, and focus on forward-looking planning to ensure the implementation of next year's key economic tasks. It is important to work hard with determination, have a broad vision for the nation, boldly take responsibility and excel in whatever work one does, strengthen coordination, and actively plan to effectively utilize whatever driving and leveraging forces to promote high-quality development in a down-to-earth manner.

It was emphasized at the meeting that it is important to uphold and strengthen the overall leadership of the Party, thoroughly implement the CPC Central Committee's decisions and arrangements on economic work, and ensure that the final outcomes align with the intentions of the CPC Central Committee. Swift and decisive action must be taken in implementation, coordinating the timing, intensity and effectiveness. Practical efforts must be made in implementation, allowing no room for pointless formalities and bureaucracy. Bold measures must be taken in a judicious manner in implementation, maintaining the correct approach in the use of personnel to fully unleash the initiative, creativity, and enthusiasm of leading officials at all levels. What has been achieved in the theoretical study program must be consolidated, expanded and thus transformed into effective drivers for high-quality development.

It was required at the meeting that work must be done to secure the supply and ensure stable prices of important daily necessities at the end of the year and the beginning of the coming year, ensure the timely and full payment of wages to migrant workers, care for the production and living conditions of the needy, and thoroughly implement the responsibility system for workplace safety to safeguard the lives, property, and health of the people.

The meeting called on the entire Party to closely unite around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, to boost confidence, forge ahead, and strive to achieve the various targets and tasks of economic and social development. Everyone was urged to make new and greater contributions to comprehensively advancing the building of a strong country and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through practical actions and achievements in high-quality development.

Members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, secretaries of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, leaders of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, state councilors, president of the Supreme People's Court, procurator-general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, relevant leaders of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, members of the Central Military Commission, and others attended the meeting.

Also present at the meeting were leading officials of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, municipalities with independent budgetary status, and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, as well as leading officials from relevant central Party and government departments, people's organizations, some financial institutions and enterprises under central management, and the relevant departments of the Central Military Commission.

Full text of Xi's speech at meeting with representatives of young Chinese, Vietnamese, people who have contributed to China-Vietnam friendship

General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a key speech during a meeting with representatives of young Chinese and Vietnamese and people who have contributed to the China-Vietnam friendship in Hanoi, Vietnam, Dec 13, 2023. Xi and his wife Peng Liyuan met here with those representatives along with General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong and his wife. [Photo/Xinhua]

HANOI -- The following is the full text of the speech by General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chinese President Xi Jinping at a meeting with representatives of young Chinese and Vietnamese and people who have contributed to China-Vietnam friendship.

The following is the full text of the speech:

Renewing Traditional Friendship and Embarking on a New Journey to Build a China-Vietnam Community with a Shared Future

Remarks by H.E. Xi Jinping

General Secretary of the Central Committee Of the Communist Party of China And President of the People's Republic of China At Meeting with Representatives of Young Chinese and Vietnamese and People Who Have Contributed to China-Vietnam Friendship

Hanoi, December 13, 2023

Your Excellency General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong,

Madam Ngo Thi Man,

Comrades and Young Friends from China and Vietnam,

Good afternoon.

It gives me great pleasure to meet you all. This is my second visit to your beautiful country in six years, and I can truly feel your warm and youthful vigor when I see you. Among you, many are old friends who have long been dedicated to China-Vietnam friendship, and many are young and new friends. On behalf of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government, I extend my warm regards to you.

Yesterday, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and I jointly announced our decision to build a China-Vietnam community with a shared future that carries strategic significance, thus ushering in a new stage in the relations between our two parties and countries. This is a major strategic decision we have made to revitalize world socialism and ensure long-term stability and security of our two countries. It is rooted in our traditional friendship and represents the shared interests and aspirations of our two peoples.

In the past, we stood by and reached out to each other as we pursued common goals together. In modern times, our two parties and peoples stayed true to our common ideals, and supported each other in trying times as we fought for national independence and liberation. Chairman Ho Chi Minh was engaged in revolutionary activities in China for 12 years, during which he first established the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League in Guangzhou, and later founded the Communist Party of Vietnam in Hong Kong. For a long time, he also gave guidance to the Vietnamese revolution from Yunnan and Guangxi. Nong Qizhen, a villager in Guangxi's Longzhou County, risked his life to protect Chairman Ho Chi Minh. It was in Guangxi where Chairman Ho Chi Minh wrote the resounding letter to all Vietnamese. He left Guangxi and returned to Vietnam in 1945, where he led the August Revolution to victory, and founded the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. In Vietnam's War Against French Occupation and its War Against U.S. Aggression to Save the Nation, more than 1,400 Chinese officers and men gave their lives, and they now rest in peace in Vietnam. More than 5,000 injured Vietnamese soldiers were treated in Nanxishan Hospital in Guilin, Guangxi, and over 10,000 Vietnamese students received education in Yucai School there. Vietnam also actively supported the Chinese Revolution. General Nguyen Son, who participated in the Guangzhou Uprising of 1927 and later joined the Long March of the Chinese Red Army, is well-known in China as a general of both countries. Today, when we read the famous poetic line by Chairman Ho Chi Minh that "So profound is the friendship between Vietnam and China, because we are both comrades and brothers", the memory of those fiery and exciting years of our two peoples is kept alive.

Today, we remain firmly committed to our shared aspiration forged in the early days and are pursuing win-win cooperation. Since we established the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership 15 years ago, we the Communist Party of China and the Communist Party of Vietnam have pursued people-centered mutually beneficial cooperation, delivering true benefits to our two peoples. In the new era, the general secretaries of the two Parties exchanged visits twice, ensuring the sound and steady growth of China-Vietnam relations. Recently, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong made a special trip to the Youyi Pass, meaning the Friendship Pass, on the border of our countries and planted a friendship tree there. It demonstrates the great value he places on Vietnam's relations with China. Our two sides have fully leveraged the role of coordination of the steering committee for bilateral cooperation, which made sure more than 30 cooperation mechanisms such as the party-to-party theoretical symposium, the Border Defense Friendship Exchange, and the meeting on crime control between the two public security ministries play their due role. All these efforts have enabled us to share practices and engage in cooperation on Party and country governance, and these efforts have injected strong impetus into the industrialization and modernization endeavors of both countries.

China has long been the largest trading partner of Vietnam, and Vietnam is China's largest trading partner in ASEAN and the fourth largest trading partner in the world. With the launch of China-Vietnam cross-border freight train service and the smart port program, our land border ports have become rapidly interconnected. Large quantities of quality Vietnamese agricultural products, including lychee, durian and dragon fruit, are exported to China. Raw materials and machinery equipment imported from China have boosted the development of Vietnam's manufacturing sector and its export capacity. Close to 20 million trips have been made on the Cat Linh-Ha Dong metro line built by a Chinese company, which has provided a convenient and comfortable means of travels for Hanoi residents. The largest overseas photovoltaic industrial cluster built by Chinese companies is located in Vietnam. This, together with many waste-to-energy plants built with Chinese investment and by Chinese companies in Hanoi and other cities, has supplied energy much needed for Vietnam's industrialization and modernization.

The Detian-Ban Gioc Waterfall cross-border tourism cooperation zone is on trial run. Friendly exchanges are flourishing, such as the friendly exchange between the national and local committees of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the Vietnam Fatherland Front, and the border residents gala. Both Chinese literature classics and contemporary Chinese film and television productions are popular in Vietnam. Some Vietnamese pop songs are huge hits on Chinese social media, and Vietnamese singers who appeared in Chinese TV shows have won many fans in China. These fruitful activities of exchange and cooperation have forged a close cultural bond between our two peoples.

Looking ahead, we can see that we share the same future. Facing a world fraught with changes and turbulence, I have put forth the vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind as well as the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, and called on all countries to jointly respond to global challenges. We are now striving to build China into a great modern socialist country in all respects and advance the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts by pursuing Chinese modernization. What we are pursuing is not modernization just for China itself. We will stay committed to peaceful development, the policy of forging friendships and partnerships with neighbors, and the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness. And we are ready to share more of the benefits of Chinese modernization with our neighbors. Vietnam, on its part, is vigorously advancing its industrialization and modernization drive to realize the goals set for the centenary of its Party and the centenary of the country.


Young Friends,

The foundation of China-Vietnam friendship lies among our two peoples, and the future of this friendship will be created by the young people. I wish to express the following three wishes to you.

First, I hope that you will carry forward China-Vietnam friendship and play your part in building a China-Vietnam community with a shared future that carries strategic significance. With remarkable economic and social advances, China and Vietnam demonstrate to the world that we have found the right development paths. And enhanced solidarity and cooperation will strengthen our socialist causes. I hope that people committed to China-Vietnam friendship in various sectors in both countries, especially the young people, will take the lead in promoting our friendship, and contribute to our respective hundred-year pursuit of development goals and to the building of a China-Vietnam community with a shared future that carries strategic significance.

Second, I hope that you will play your part in promoting the development of the Asia Pacific and contribute to enduring peace in our region. Our two countries have made tremendous achievement through, respectively, China's reform and opening up and Vietnam's Doi Moi (reform) policy. This is credited not only to our own endeavors, but also to a peaceful, open and inclusive Asia Pacific. The Asia Pacific is the place which we call home. It is a source of power driving global growth. Openness, inclusiveness and mutually beneficial cooperation are the right course to follow. We should strive to build an Asia Pacific community, create more momentum to boost solidarity and make advances, and make greater contributions to making Asia Pacific more harmonious and prosperous.

Third, I hope that you will be pioneers in promoting human progress and contribute to the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. Our two Parties are both Marxist parties that bear in mind the overall interests of the world, and our two countries are both responsible members of the international community. And both of us should play a major role in advancing human progress. To build a community with a shared future for mankind is an inspiring goal, a goal that requires generations of efforts to achieve. We should be visionary, look beyond the horizon and shoulder responsibilities entrusted upon us by the times, stand up for international fairness and justice, and contribute our share to global development.


Young Friends,

As a Vietnamese saying puts it, with resolve, one will remain undaunted by any changes in the world. Keeping in mind the journey we have traversed will enable us to advance along the right path. The challenging paths China and Vietnam have traveled and the remarkable achievements we have made in developing socialism fully demonstrate that enhanced solidarity and cooperation between our two countries has enabled us to overcome all risks and challenges and to move from one victory to another. Going forward, we need to remain true to our commitment and strive to fulfill our mission. And we should pursue our respective path to socialism and deliver the gains of industrialization and modernization to more people of our two countries. Let us join hands and make even greater contribution to the advancement of humanity.

Thank you.

Xi: Accelerate Yangtze delta integration

President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, chairs a symposium on advancing the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and delivers an important speech in East China's Shanghai, Nov 30, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]

President calls for region to take lead in higher-level reform and opening-up

President Xi Jinping called on Thursday for new major breakthroughs in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, so that the region can better lead the nation in pursuing Chinese modernization.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, presided over a symposium with senior officials on advancing the region's integrated development, during a fact-finding trip to Shanghai.

The Yangtze River Delta, which comprises Shanghai and Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces in East China, has long been China's economic powerhouse, with its high level of opening-up and strong capacity in innovation.

Xi listened to briefings during the session from Zheng Shanjie, head of the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Party secretaries of the four provincial-level regions.

He highlighted the significance, for the integrated development of the region, of further enhancing its innovation capabilities, industrial competitiveness and development levels, and taking the lead in forming a new pattern of higher-level reform and opening-up for China.

President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, chairs a symposium on advancing the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and delivers an important speech in East China's Shanghai, Nov 30, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]

The region must remain committed to deepening reform, expanding high-level opening-up, coordinating innovation in science and technology and industrial innovation, and making coordinated efforts in ecological and environmental protection and economic growth, he said.

Xi encouraged the region to pilot the way for the nation's common prosperity drive and actively explore the building of a modern Chinese civilization.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the GDP of the Yangtze River Delta reached 29 trillion yuan ($4 trillion), or about 24 percent of the national total, in 2022.

The president told the senior officials that the region should continue to bolster its efficiency and quality of development and its effectiveness in leading growth, adding that there is still room for integration in key sectors and locations.

He emphasized the need for the Yangtze River Delta region to strengthen cross-regional coordination in scientific and industrial innovation, give rise to new industries and new models, create new development opportunities and cultivate new growth drivers.

The region must participate in international sci-tech cooperation with more open thinking and measures and create an innovation climate with global competitiveness, he said.

For the area to refine its system and mechanism for integrated development, Xi said it is necessary for regional divisions and administrative barriers to be broken down at the institutional level.

Xi also put forward a vision for the region to move forward with high-level, coordinated opening-up, with efforts to prioritize institutional opening-up and to enhance mutual learning and replication of experiences in reform.

Shanghai must expedite its steps to build itself into hub for global economy, finance, trade, aviation and sci-tech innovation and put in place a strategy to upgrade its pilot free-trade zone, he added.

The Yangtze River Delta, also characterized by its robust private sector, should take the lead in implementing measures aimed at incentivizing, supporting and guiding the private sector, and further optimize the business environment for private businesses, he said.

Xi set out requirements for the region to coordinate the co-governance of ecology and the environment, saying that the three provinces and Shanghai should align their redlines for ecological protection and jointly protect key ecological shields and corridors.

He stressed the need to encourage energy-saving, carbon reduction, and efficiency improvements in key sectors and industries, develop strong and high-quality green and low-carbon industries and establish a sound green industry system.

The president called for the region to bolster its capacity in secure development, saying that it should focus on sectors and major infrastructure and facilities related to national and regional security to beef up its risk prevention and control system and capacity.

The region should pursue institutional opening-up of the financial sector in a steady manner to enable easier cross-border investment and financing and enhance whole-process risk prevention and control, in order to safeguard national financial security, he added.

Full text: Remarks by Chinese President Xi Jinping at the extraordinary joint meeting of BRICS leaders and leaders of invited BRICS members on the situation in the Middle East with particular reference to Gaza

President Xi Jinping delivers a speech titled "Working Toward a Ceasefire and Realizing Lasting Peace and Sustainable Security" at the extraordinary joint meeting of BRICS leaders and leaders of invited BRICS members on the situation in the Middle East with particular reference to Gaza on Nov 21, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]

BEIJING -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday addressed the extraordinary joint meeting of BRICS leaders and leaders of invited BRICS members on the situation in the Middle East with particular reference to Gaza.

The following is the full text of his remarks:

Working Toward a Ceasefire and

Realizing Lasting Peace and Sustainable Security

Remarks by H.E. Xi Jinping

President of the People's Republic of China

At the Extraordinary Joint Meeting of BRICS Leaders

And Leaders of Invited BRICS Members

On the Situation in the Middle East with Particular Reference to Gaza

November 21, 2023

Your Excellency President Cyril Ramaphosa,


This is our first summit since the expansion of BRICS. Before I speak about the issue of our discussion, I wish to extend a warm welcome to leaders of new BRICS members and express my thanks to President Ramaphosa and the South African government for your efforts that have made our meeting possible. Given the current circumstances, it is very timely and very important that we meet and speak up for justice and for peace on the Palestinian-Israeli issue.

The conflict in Gaza is raging on into its second month. China is gravely concerned that the conflict is causing enormous civilian casualties and a humanitarian disaster, and tends to expand and spill over. China believes that the following is urgent and imperative: First, the parties to the conflict must end hostilities and achieve a ceasefire immediately, stop all violence and attacks against civilians, release civilians held captive, and act to prevent loss of more lives and spare people from more miseries. Second, humanitarian corridors must be kept secure and unimpeded, and more humanitarian assistance should be provided to the population in Gaza. The collective punishment of people in Gaza in the form of forced transfer or water, electricity and fuel deprivation must stop. Third, the international community must act with practical measures to prevent the conflict from spilling over and endangering stability in the Middle East as a whole. China supports the resolution adopted at the emergency special session of the UN General Assembly on October 27. The UN Security Council under China's presidency has adopted Resolution 2712. All the parties must act to deliver on these resolutions through concrete measures on the ground.

The root cause of the Palestinian-Israeli situation is the fact that the right of the Palestinian people to statehood, their right to existence, and their right of return have long been ignored. I have emphasized on many occasions that the only viable way to break the cycle of Palestinian-Israeli conflict lies in the two-state solution, in the restoration of the legitimate national rights of Palestine, and in the establishment of an independent State of Palestine. There can be no sustainable peace and security in the Middle East without a just solution to the question of Palestine. China calls for early convening of an international peace conference that is more authoritative to build international consensus for peace and work toward an early solution to the question of Palestine that is comprehensive, just and sustainable.

Since the outbreak of the latest Palestinian-Israeli conflict, China has been working actively to promote peace talks and a ceasefire. China has provided humanitarian assistance to help ease the humanitarian plight in Gaza. This includes $2 million of emergency humanitarian assistance provided through the Palestinian National Authority and UN agencies, and emergency humanitarian supplies worth RMB 15 million, such as food and medicine, to the Gaza Strip with the help of Egypt. China will provide more supplies and assistance according to the needs of the people in Gaza. At the UN Security Council, China has acted in its capacity as president to facilitate the adoption of the resolution, which calls for extended humanitarian pauses and corridors, the protection of civilians, and the provision of humanitarian assistance.


The BRICS cooperation mechanism is an important platform for emerging markets and developing countries to strengthen solidarity and cooperation and safeguard common interests. Our meeting today to coordinate positions and actions on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict marks a good start for greater BRICS cooperation following its enlargement. China commends South Africa for its significant contribution as BRICS chair to advancing BRICS development. As Russia will take over BRICS chairmanship next year, China stands ready to work with other members to jointly support Russia's work as the chair and usher in a new era for BRICS cooperation.

Thank you.

Full text of Xi's written speech at Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation CEO Summit

SAN FRANCISCO -- Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a written speech here Thursday at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit.

The following is the full text of the speech:

Meeting Challenges with Unity of Purpose

To Write a New Chapter for Asia-Pacific Cooperation

Written Speech by H.E. Xi Jinping

President of the People's Republic of China

At the APEC CEO Summit

San Francisco, November 16, 2023

Representatives of the Business Community,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


It gives me great pleasure to be invited to address the APEC CEO Summit. I visited San Francisco many years ago, and I was deeply impressed by the openness, inclusiveness and creativity which this beautiful city is famous for.

Three decades ago, where humanity should be headed in the post-Cold War era was the question of the world, of history and of the times in front of Asia-Pacific leaders. In response, they followed the trend toward peace and development, and convened the inaugural APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting. They agreed unanimously to rise above the outdated mentality of bloc confrontation and zero-sum game, deepen economic cooperation and integration in the region, and build a dynamic, harmonious and prosperous Asia-Pacific community. This major decision enabled Asia-Pacific development and economic globalization to embark on a fast track of growth, turning the region into a powerhouse for world economic growth, an anchor of stability for global development, and a pacesetter for international cooperation. There is so much we can draw from this remarkable journey of Asia-Pacific cooperation.

Openness and inclusiveness are the defining feature of Asia-Pacific cooperation. Development in our region has been achieved not through provoking antagonism and confrontation, pursuing a beggar-thy-neighbor policy, or erecting high fences around a small yard, but by staying open and inclusive and drawing on each other's strengths. We have stayed committed to open regionalism, jointly formulated the Bogor Goals and the Putrajaya Vision, promoted trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and bolstered economic integration of the region. Over the past three decades, the Asia-Pacific has cut its average tariff rate from 17 percent to 5 percent, and contributed 70 percent of global economic growth.

Development for all is the overarching goal of Asia-Pacific cooperation. Development is an eternal pursuit in our region. We have stayed focused on development and continually deepened economic and technical cooperation, thus strengthening the ability of developing members to achieve self-development. We jointly developed "the APEC Approach" based on the principles of voluntarism, consensus-building and incremental progress, and we respect the right to development of all members. Over the past three decades, per capita income in the Asia-Pacific has more than quadrupled, and one billion people have been lifted out of poverty. This is an important contribution to human progress and global sustainable development.

Seeking common ground while shelving differences is the best practice of Asia-Pacific cooperation. Economies in the region have different histories and cultures and are in different stages of development.

Forcing uniformity will not advance cooperation in the region; seeking common ground while shelving differences is the right way forward. Over the past three decades, we have properly tackled major challenges such as the Asian and international financial crises, and have sustained the momentum of economic development in the Asia-Pacific. Our success was possible because we have followed the underlying trend, kept the larger picture in mind, and capitalized on the spirit of partnership featuring harmony without uniformity, and solidarity and mutual assistance. This has enabled us to turn diversity in membership into momentum for cooperation and make collective progress through tapping into complementarity.

Ladies and Gentlemen,


The world has entered a new period of turbulence and change. The momentum of world economic growth is sluggish. Destabilizing, uncertain and unpredictable factors are increasing. Where will Asia-Pacific cooperation be headed in the next 30 years? This is a new question of the times facing us. As an ancient Chinese scholar observed, "plants with strong roots grow well, and efforts with the right focus ensure success." We should stay committed to APEC's founding mission, never forget our mission bestowed by history, and move to relaunch Asia-Pacific cooperation.

San Francisco, where the United Nations Charter was signed, embodies the noble aspiration of all peoples for peace across the world. Peace does not come by easily, and development is a long and arduous task. We should jointly uphold the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and follow the right norms for state-to-state relations to maintain Asia-Pacific prosperity and stability through dialogue and partnership rather than confrontation and alliance. The region cannot and should not be an arena for geopolitical rivalry, still less should it be plunged into a new cold war or camp-based confrontation.

The story of Asia-Pacific prosperity and development shows that development is only possible with cooperation, absence of cooperation is the biggest risk, and that decoupling and supply-chain disruption are not in anyone's interests. We should remain committed to open regionalism, and steadfastly advance the building of a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific. We should respect laws governing economic development, bring out the best in each and every one of us, make our economies more interconnected, strengthen synergy between relevant regional trade agreements and development strategies, and build an open Asia-Pacific economy featuring win-win cooperation.

Facing a new wave of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, we should look beyond the horizon, seize the opportunities, and move along with the trend to promote transition to digital, smart and green development. We should jointly boost innovation and market application of scientific and technological advances, and push forward full integration of digital and physical economies. We should jointly improve global governance of science and technology, bolster support for green and digital transition and sustainable development through innovation, and build an open, fair, just and non-discriminatory environment for the development of science and technology.

Ten years ago, I called for building a community with a shared future for mankind. The APEC Putrajaya Vision explicitly lays out its vision for an Asia-Pacific community by 2040, charting the course for further cooperation in our region. In recent years, in response to the pressing needs around the world, I have proposed the Global Development Initiative (GDI), the Global Security Initiative (GSI) and the Global Civilization Initiative (GCI). They are intended to galvanize all stakeholders to address global challenges, promote common development, and improve the well-being of humanity. China will work with all in the Asia-Pacific to advance and implement these initiatives, and build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world of lasting peace, universal security and shared prosperity.

Ladies and Gentlemen,


This year, China's economy has been steadily recovering and turning for the better. Its growth rate is among the highest among major economies of the world. And solid gains have been made in our pursuit of high-quality development. China remains the most powerful engine of global growth, and will generate one-third of global growth this year. Just as some leaders of the business community have said, China has become a synonym of the best investment destination, and that the "next China" is still China. We invite friends from business communities across the world to invest and deepen your footprint in China.

China enjoys distinct strengths such as a socialist market economy in systemic terms, a supersize market in terms of demand, a full-fledged industrial system in terms of supply, and abundant, high-caliber labor forces and entrepreneurs in terms of human resources. China's economic development is self-generative, resilient and has many potentials. In the past, China surmounted numerous difficulties and obstacles by defusing risks and meeting challenges, and made historic achievements. Today, the overall Chinese economy, blessed by its strong resilience, enormous potential and ample room for maneuver, remains promising, and it will remain so in the long run. We have the confidence in, and even more capability of achieving long-term and stable growth, and through our development we will continue to provide the world with new growth momentum and opportunities.

China is committed to applying the new development philosophy with a focus on achieving innovative, coordinated, green and open development for all, and it is pursuing high-quality development and high value-added and green economic growth. Recent years have seen rapid growth in China's export of "the new three," namely, new energy vehicles, lithium-ion batteries and photovoltaic products. A national voluntary greenhouse gas emissions reduction trading market will soon be launched, which will create huge green market opportunities. China will expedite its efforts to modernize the industrial system, provide better institutional safeguards to enable business entities of all types to share in the gains of development, and foster new drivers of growth and create more room for development.

We remain committed to pursuing development with our doors open. We will unswervingly advance high-standard opening up and further expand market access. China has announced the removal of all restrictive measures on foreign investment in manufacturing. The sixth China International Import Expo was held recently, and the second Global Digital Trade Expo will be held later this month. All these steps will expand China's opening up and create more development opportunities and benefits for other countries. China is applying high standards to its implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. It is working to align itself with the high-standard economic and trade rules of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement to advance the process of acceding to these two agreements, and expand a globally-oriented network of high-standard free trade areas. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative that I proposed. Last month, China hosted the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation with 458 deliverables. Chinese financial institutions established a financing window of RMB 780 billion for Belt and Road projects, and Chinese and foreign companies reached business deals worth USD 97.2 billion. All this will contribute to high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and provide strong momentum for connectivity, development and prosperity around the world.

No matter how the international situation evolves, China's resolve to foster a market-oriented, law-based and world-class business environment will not change. And our policy of providing equal and quality services to foreign investors will not change. We will continue to improve the mechanisms for protecting the rights and interests of foreign investors, further shorten the negative list on foreign investment, fully ensure national treatment for foreign investors, and continue to strengthen IPR protection. We will strive to tear down the barriers to the flow of innovation factors, deepen reform of the digital economy, and promote free and orderly flow of data in compliance with the law. We will also take more "heart-warming" measures, such as improving the policies on entry and stay of foreign nationals in China and removing for them choke points in financial, medical, e-payment and other services. All this is designed to make it easier for foreign companies to invest and operate in China.

I wish to stress that Chinese modernization naturally calls for high-quality development by overcoming economic challenges and making steady progress. Its immutable goal is to deliver a better life to the whole of more than 1.4 billion Chinese people. For the world, this means a broader market and unprecedented cooperation opportunities. It will also instill strong impetus in the global modernization endeavor.

Ladies and Gentlemen,


The Asia-Pacific business community has always been courageous pioneers in Asia-Pacific cooperation and global development. I hope that you will make full use of your entrepreneurship, and contribute even more to building an open Asia-Pacific economy and boosting global economic development. I also hope to see an active part of the global business community in the Chinese modernization drive to benefit from the huge opportunities brought by China's high-quality development!

Thank you.