Learn JavaScript for Designers

Bring your websites to life with interactive elements using JavaScript. These tutorials are tailored to web designers and are full of practical examples and tips.
  1. How to Build a Responsive Navigation Bar With Flexbox

    How to Build a Responsive Navigation Bar With Flexbox

    Tutorial Intermediate

    Time for a practical exercise in flexbox! In this tutorial we will use flexbox to create a mobile-first, responsive, toggleable navigation bar with different...

  2. Create Your Own AI Image Generator App With JavaScript and DALL-E 3

    Create Your Own AI Image Generator App With JavaScript and DALL-E 3

    Tutorial Beginner

    In this tutorial, we’ll build an AI image-generation app with JavaScript. Users will enter text describing the image they want, then behind the scenes we’ll...

  3. How to Create an “AI Quotes Generator” With OpenAI and JavaScript

    How to Create an “AI Quotes Generator” With OpenAI and JavaScript

    Tutorial Intermediate

    In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to create an AI Quotes Generator app with JavaScript. This app will demonstrate how to fetch data from the OpenAI API and...

  4. How to Build a Text-to-Voice Application With JavaScript

    How to Build a Text-to-Voice Application With JavaScript

    Tutorial Beginner

    Let’s convert text into speech using JavaScript and the WebSpeechAPI. Our app will feature a simple interface where the user adds the text, then clicks a...

  5. How to Create a Simple Tip Calculator with HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript

    How to Create a Simple Tip Calculator with HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript

    Tutorial Intermediate

    In this tutorial, we will cover how to create a simple tip calculator with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  6. How to Create a 2D Digital Clock with HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript

    How to Create a 2D Digital Clock with HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript

    Tutorial Intermediate

    Wouldn’t it be fun to create your own beautiful Digital Clock with basic web technologies? This tutorial will cover how to create a faux-3D digital Clock...

  7. Create a Progress Stepper Component (Perfect for Forms)

    Create a Progress Stepper Component (Perfect for Forms)

    Tutorial Beginner

    A progress stepper component is a tool added in forms to streamline user interaction by breaking tasks into manageable steps. It offers straightforward...

  8. Create a Rotating Text Animation Effect With CSS Variables and JavaScript

    Create a Rotating Text Animation Effect With CSS Variables and JavaScript

    Tutorial Intermediate

    In this new tutorial, we’ll learn how to create a rotating text animation effect using CSS variables and JavaScript.

  9. How to Create an Emoji Rating Slider With JavaScript

    How to Create an Emoji Rating Slider With JavaScript

    Tutorial Beginner

    In this tutorial, we will use JavaScript to build a rating emoji component that will allow the user to rate their level of satisfaction by using a slider.

  10. Build an Infinite Blinking Text Animation With CSS and a Touch of JavaScript

    Build an Infinite Blinking Text Animation With CSS and a Touch of JavaScript

    Tutorial Intermediate

    In this new tutorial, we’ll learn how to create an infinite blinking/flashing/highlighting text effect with CSS animations and a bit of JavaScript.

  11. How to Integrate Bootstrap 5 Tabs With Chart.js

    How to Integrate Bootstrap 5 Tabs With Chart.js

    Tutorial Intermediate

    Today, you’ll learn how to incorporate charts generated by the Charts.js charting library into Bootstrap 5 tabs/pills.

  12. The Best CSS and JavaScript Carousel Tutorials on Tuts+

    The Best CSS and JavaScript Carousel Tutorials on Tuts+

    Tutorial Beginner

    Today, we'll explore the best CSS and JavaScript carousel tutorials currently available on Envato Tuts+. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the roundup!