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Explore how Microsoft's partnership with Khan Academy is enhancing the future of education with AI innovation and tools for teachers >

Transform classroom time

With Microsoft tools and free resources that help you prepare, teach, assess, track, and analyze, you'll have more time to focus on what's most important: your students.

Preparing your classroom

Whether you're creating assignments, distributing content, or tracking homework, preparation takes time. Make it more efficient with Sway, OneNote, and Teams.


Get organized with OneNote Class Notebook, featuring personal workspaces, a content library, and a space that encourages students to collaborate.

Digital storytelling with Sway

You and your students can create high-quality, interactive digital stories in minutes using your images, text, videos, and other media.

Microsoft Teams

Manage your class workflow and engage the voice of every student with Microsoft Teams.

Instruction and assessment

Make the most of your valuable instruction and assessment time with Microsoft technologies including Windows 11, Teams, and OneNote Class Notebooks.

Windows 11

We reimagined Windows for a new era of digital learning, helping educators unlock the full potential of every student, giving them powerful tools to learn, collaborate, and create in a secure and trusted environment.


Manage your class workflow and engage the voice of every student with Microsoft Teams.

OneNote Class Notebook

Save time and get organized with OneNote Class Notebook, featuring personal workspaces, a content library, and a collaboration space.

Measure and improve student progress

Leverage the power of data analytics to measure student progress, identify students at-risk, improve learning, and optimise resources.

Power BI

With a live dashboard featuring critical student data, you can monitor progress, create interactive reports, and access data on the go.


Track student progress, updates, and key milestones in this simple, familiar format.


Track and analyze student progress with the safety and simplicity of Microsoft Azure cloud-based services.

Help whenever you need it

Free Microsoft Education product support for teachers - your one stop for help with Microsoft devices and services.

Microsoft Learn Educator Center

Get the professional development and technical skills you need to drive better student outcomes with Microsoft products and services.

Office 365 for students and teachers

With a valid school e-mail, students and teachers can get Office 365 Education, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Teams with free, built-in accessibility tools to empower every student.

Learn more about office 365

Affordable, versatile devices that work within your school budget


Remote and hybrid learning drive Davis School District

Learn how Utah’s Davis School District is supporting remote and hybrid learning while putting students and educators first with new 1:1 devices, school-specific applications, and powerful collaboration with Microsoft Teams and Windows 10.

Affordable and safe devices for education

With affordable and secure devices, powerful tools for education, and free professional development opportunities, Microsoft is here to support your educators in creating inclusive online environments that help every student to learn anywhere.